I Drive All Night

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Nicole's POV

I had been trying to keep track of where I was being taken and how long we'd been driving for without any luck.  Without being able to see where we were I was left without a clue to my whereabouts.  All I could hope was that Liam and Harry had caught a glimpse of whoever had grabbed me.  

As the clock continued to tick we inched to a stop.  A door opened and quickly was slammed shut but not before a breeze of fresh air entered the cab. I listened intently for any footsteps or voices but a hush had entered the air.  A mans voice could be heard in the distance, far to mumbled for me to understand.  I sat quitely, yelling wasn't going to do me any good here.  The silence was deafening but I was too scared to dare to break it.  

Why had this happened to me? As if I hadn't been through enough the last year but now I had been kidnapped and taken away from the only good things in my life.  Reasoning with myself was proving impossible, I was stuck in this whether I like it or not and I would just have to find a way to deal with it.  

It wasn't too long after that I heard the mans voice getting closer to the van before stopping altogether.  The door next to me was pulled open and I was hit with the fresh smell of outside.  

A rough hand grabbed the back of my head and forced me out of the vehicle.  I was being dragged away and further out from the road.  Suddenly, I was thrown against the roots of a tree with nothing to break my fall.  

"You are downright lucky that our time is being cut short. You don't get a break though, I'll be watching you at every waking second of the day.  You'll never see me but you will know that I am there.  You won't feel safe every again. That's if they can even find you out here." Fear shook through me, whoever this man was he did not have good intentions.  

My arms were fastened to the tree behind me and the engine started up again.

"I'll see you in your nightmares Nicole."  The silence crept back.

Unknown POV

I had her in my grip and she managed to sneak away.  If those boys hadn't taken her under their wing then she would have been mine.  My plan would have worked perfectly and she would know not to expect anything good ever.  

She had recieved a good scare though and it was only going to become worse.  Nightmares will come to life as I continue to play around with her fright.  She wouldn't have anyone to turn to soon enough.

Liam's POV

Two hours, it already been two hours since the call from the police.  Two hours of painstaking silence between the lads and I.  

I had passed panicked hours ago and was slowly spiraling out of control.  Why hadn't they called me again? Why were they leaving me in the dark? Did something happen to her? Scenarios kept running through my head of Nicoles body at the bottom of a pond, or buried six feet under.  These scenarios had been becoming more and more gruesome as the time went on. 

Harry hadn't said a word since we got back.  He had holed himself up in his room and no one could get through to him.  

My only salvation was that short phone call early that had lead us to believe that they were going to find her.  Oh how I wished that she would walk through the door smiling and laughing, but something told me that wouldn't be happening for a very long time.

Harry's POV

Never had I felt this helpless.  NIcole was taken right out from underneath me and I wasn't able to keep her safe.  She might be lost to us and it will all be my fault. The boys had been trying to get me out of my room but none of them understood what it felt like to be this guilty.  None of them had ever let the one they love slip out of their grasp and into the hands of the villains. Hopefully they never would. 

Time didn't exist as I waited to hear the phone ring telling us that Nicole was safe and on her way back to us. It seemed like the phone call was never gonna come.

We had been warned by our security not to leave the hotel room.  In their words we couldn't risk our own safety for Nicole's, and even though they were only looking out for us I couldn't compress the little bubble of hatred that filled my stomach. 

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