Flashing Lights in My Mind

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I couldn’t stop the small shriek that escaped my mouth as my body was trampled by three larger ones.  Harry was laughing at the whole thing not at all phased by the three bodies landing on us.

                “Hey lads,” Harry commented casually as they started sorting themselves out. 

                “Hazza!” One of the bodies threw themselves on top of Harry relieving some of the pressure on my legs.

                “BooBear!” He exclaimed back.  I lamely coughed trying to get the last two bodies off of me.  Harry seemed to notice and quickly jumped into action.

                “Zayn, your hair is looking a little droopy, Niall you’re sitting on the bag of crisps I got you. In seconds the two boys were jumping off of me and racing to opposite sides of the car.  Zayn went to the window to check on his hair and Niall frantically searched for the nonexistent bag of chips.

                “So it is true, Zirror and Nood are real,” The four boys looked at me, three of them only just realizing that I was in the car.  Harry and Louis were laughing while Zayn and Niall just stared dumbfounded at me.

                “What’s that supposed to mean?”  Zayn questioned me.

                “They are ships, Zayn and the Mirror: Zirror.  Niall and Food: Nood,” Zayn started laughing, though it seemed that Niall still didn’t understand what I was talking about, I explained it a little more for him, “They are like Larry and Niam, only for you two!” Niall seemed to clue in at this point and started to laugh quite loudly.

                “You must be Nicole then?” Louis asked me from his seat on Harry’s lap.

                “Yeah I am,” I suddenly became really shy.  Who wouldn’t though, I was meeting my favourite boyband in person for the first time, and they were going to become my family.

                No one knew what to say so I just stared awkwardly past Zayn and out the window.  Everyone seemed to be frozen in time.  Harry and Lou were having a silent conversation while Zayn and Niall did much the same as me. 

                “Why did you have us meet you at the mall?” I was grateful for Zayn cutting through the awkward air.

                “We have to get Nicole here a new wardrobe since hers was burnt, Liam is getting her a mobile as we speak.” Harry spoke up from behind Louis.

                “Yay! Shopping! Let’s go!” We all laughed as Louis catapulted out the now open door.  Eventually we all followed behind him and out into the warm air.  I was surprised that we hadn’t been spotted yet but I was glad for it, I didn’t need to be mobbed today.

                “Can we get some food first? I’m hungry!” Niall complained from his place beside Zayn.

                “We just ate Niall! Why don’t you just go grab a sweet or something while we are in the store?” Louis suggested to the hungry Irish lad who quickly agreed.

                “The next twenty minutes went by in a blur.  The boys were throwing things into the change room for me to model for them and then deciding what looked good and what didn’t.  It was nerve wrecking to stand in front of them while they looked me over from head to toe to see if the outfit would gain their approval.  Niall hadn’t joined us yet but none of us were worried, he was probably in the food court waiting for his order to be ready.

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