We Ain't Ever Gonna Grow Up

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Ok so.... I'M BACK!! Sorry for such a long wait but a lot of things have been happening in my life right now and I just couldn't find it in me to write until today.  Dedicated to @TKEllsworth for guessing the last song! First to guess this one get a dedication in the next chapter! Thanks to everyone who has been reading this and voting and commenting! Love you all!  Anyways I'm sure no one is reading this (if you are comment 'Take Me Home', but here is the chapter!

To put it in the nicest way possible, all hell broke loose.  Questioning shouts echoed around in my head, it took a good five minutes for them to calm down enough to talk to me.

                “What do you mean you’re adopting her?”  Niall seemed to be the calmest of the four lads looking at me at with varying facial expressions.

                “I mean, I am going to take her in, the hardships she had already faced are horrible and it wouldn’t feel right to leave her to face them on her own.  I’m aware that this will have an effect on the things that I do and I couldn’t care less.  I hope you can understand.”  Sighing I turned on my heels and walked into my room the door clicking shut behind me.  I needed out of that room, I knew that I should have talked to them before I made this choice but I only had one thing on my mind, helping Nicole. I crumpled onto the bed holding my hand in my heads.  Hopefully they would be alright with it in the end.

                Sleep brought me no salvation, dreams of being kicked out of the band, the boys hating me and something bad happening to Nicole plagued my mind.  I’m not sure which one was scarier.  Moving to sit up I peeked at the alarm clock on the bedside table, 11:11pm, time to make a wish. 

                The door creaked open allowing a sliver of light to fall against the floor, “Liam? Are you awake?”  It was only Niall but I was hopeful that they had come to some sort of understanding.

                “Yes, what is it Niall?”  I tried not to allow any of the hope I was feeling to creep into my voice.  I felt more so than watched as he moved into the room to sit next to me on the bed.

                “I think it is a wonderful idea to bring Nicole into our family,” Did I really just hear that?  I couldn’t have, it has to be a dream. “You’re not dreaming either Li, I love the idea.” I couldn’t help it as a small tear dripped down my cheek, quickly followed by others. 

                Two warm arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a much needed hug.  At some point three other pairs of arms wrapped around Niall and I.  This meant that I would be able to help her without it putting a wedge between the lads and I.  Lifting my head up from Nialls’ shoulder I looked at each of the boys that had become a part of my family, they meant to much to me to lose.

                “Thanks,” I sniffled as I fully sat up stretching out the tight muscles in my back.

                “We’re sorry for the way we acted mate, we’ve decided that we want to be able to help you in any way possible and in all honesty we can’t wait to meet her.”  Zayn spoke for them and a large grin played on my face.

                “You have no idea how much that means to me, we will have to come up with some rules though,” Four grunts followed those two words.

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