Stay With Me

967 39 15

Liam"s POV

"Li?" A small voice spoke into my ear. 

"Nicole? Where are you? Are you alright?" A small bit of relief flooded into me after hearing her voice. 

"I'm okay, some hikers found me, I'm not sure where I am." I noticed Harry looking over at me, curious as to the good news. 

"Okay Sweety, Harry and I will be there soon.  Can I talk to who found you?" I hated to stop talking to her but I needed to know where she was. 

"Yeah one second," there was some shuffling on the other side and soon a cheery voice was talking.

"Hello? Nicole said you wanted to talk to me?" I nodded even though they wouldn't be able to see me. 

"Yes I did.  I need to know where I can find you so that we can get Nicole back home.  Do you know where you are?" I was feeling more and more relieved as the seconds ticked by. 

"We have a basic understanding of where we are.  I can try and send you our location over text if that works for you?" 

"That would be great! Thank you very much,"

"It's no worries, we'll see you in a bit." I felt like I could finally breathe. Nicole was safe and would soon be returned to us.  We would be able to protect her again without screwing up this time.

"Who was that on the phone?" Harry asked.  I could see that he was anxious to see what had made me calm down. 

"It was Nicole, she was found by a couple of hikers, they are sending me their location right now." As soon as I finished speaking a felt a buzz in my pocket.  I quickly pulled out my phone again and took a look at the address that appeared.  "C'mon, we need to get there quick. I'll call the police on the way."

Harry nodded and we quickly flagged down another taxi.  As soon as the car was moving I dialed the police station. 

"Hello, this is Liam Payne.  I just received a call from my daughter Nicole.  We are heading to her location right now." I spoke quickly, it felt so good to have a piece of good news to tell for the first time since she had disappeared.  

"Okay sir, if you could give us the address we will meet you there.  We will need to speak to Nicole for her story as well to make sure that she is alright."  I nodded along with the officer on the line before rambling off the address that I had received.  The call ended and I was feeling more anxious to get to Nicole as the seconds ticked by.  I felt the need to prove to her how sorry I was about her being taken because of my foolish behaviour. 

It felt like hours before the cab pulled to a stop at the edge of a dark gravel pathway.  We quickly thanked the driver before getting out of the car. 

"We stick together.  It's dark out and it'll only make things harder if we were to get separated." Harry shook his head in agreement before we started down the path.  A shiver of fear ran down my spine as I looked at the dark surroundings. I was so glad that someone had come across Nikki. I couldn't imagine her stuck out here in the dark, with the cold wind blowing around her.  As we continued down the path we began to call out for Nicole.  It was another fifteen minutes before we got any response. 

"She's over here!" I didn't have to think, I took off running in the direction of the voice.  It didn't take me long to find them.  My heart dropped when I saw Nicole laying still in someones lap.  

"What happened to her?" I questioned as I moved to take my daughter into my arms.

"I really don't know, she just blacked out!" The girl replied worriedly.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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