Hey Girl I'm Waiting on ya, I'm Waiting On Ya

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Nicole’s POV (After day with Liam)

                Who would have ever thought that I would get to even meet THE Liam Payne of One Direction let alone get to spend the whole afternoon with him.  Would you call me crazy if I said that it was one of the best things that had ever happened to me, how did I get so lucky?

                “Nicole! Who was that boy?”  I smiled down at the little ray of sunshine clinging to my arm.

                “That, Raine was my friend Liam,” I explained as I pulled her up to sit on my lap.

                “I overheard him talking to Mrs. Peterson downstairs, wanna know what he said?” Raine bounced on my knee as she waited for my answer.

                “Sure Raine,” She grinned up at me before jumping into the retelling of what she had heard.

                “He was asking her if he could adopt you! You are so lucky!” Shock took over me, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t say anything, I was frozen.  He wants to adopt me? Why would he want to do that? He is only two years older than me. 

                “Are you sure you heard right Sweetie?”  I questioned, she had to have heard wrong, or gotten overexcited and left before the end of the conversation.  She vigorously nodded her head, she wasn’t making this up.

                Liam Payne, my idol, was going to adopt me tomorrow, but why?  Only time will tell I guess.

                Harry’s POV

                I was curious, why would Liam take sudden interest in this girl?  He was always the one to never rush into a decision but here we are learning that he was adopting a teenage girl after a few tweets and one afternoon.  I had already looked at her Twitter account and was taken aback by all of the sympathy messages from people all around the country.  It took a little more digging to find out what had happened to her parents and foster parent.

                The article I had read stated that her parents were killed a month after moving to Los Angeles in a fire.  The fire department has labelled it as suspicious but has not been able to find any evidence incriminating someone.

                The foster parent was on a whole other extreme, he was murdered in cold blood.  A neighbour had called police after hearing loud crashes followed by gunshots.  When the police arrived they found the body of the man but with no one else in the house.  It wasn’t until later that Nicole, who was unnamed, had crept out of her hiding place and been taken to the girls home. That case was also unsolved and whoever completed the crime left almost no trace.

                To say that that girl had been through a lot was an understatement.  She has been through more in the last month than anyone should have to face in their whole life.  She is only a year younger than me!

                Liam wouldn’t be alone in this, I was going to help him as I am sure the lads would as well. I’m pretty sure he thinks I am hammered after last night but in reality it seemed to clear my head to the idea even more.  I had been up early this morning and gotten ready for the day before completing my basic research into what had happened to Nicole.  It was nine now so Liam would probably be up within the next half hour and I would be able to talk to him before the other lads were even up.   To pass the time I scrolled through Twitter reading some of the bizarre tweets that the fans had sent me and the boys.  They were often really funny or were filled with hate.  Coming across one tweet I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.  I quickly quieted myself in the hopes that I hadn’t woken any of the other lads, I don’t think they would appreciate being woken up this early when they would likely all have hangovers.

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