I'll Be Coming Back For You

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Harry's POV

I felt absolutely terrible for what happened to Nicole. My only instinct right now was to find whoever did this and make them pay for hurting this sweet girl. It was so hard to believe that anyone had it in them to go out of their way to hurt another human being. She had already been through so much in such a short amount of time they only made it worse. I had to fifnd some way to try and ease some of her pain. We all did.

I think that Liam was the most worried out of all of us. Even though he was only a few years older then her he truly was fulfilling his duties as her adopted dad. It was really cute to watch him dote on her. He was putting everything he had into making her feel comfortable. We were going to have to move on to the next hotel at the end of the week though and none of us could predict how she was going to handle leaving Los Angeles. The best that we could hope for is that she will want to get away from all the bad things that had happened since she moved into the city a few short months ago.

*1 Month Later*

Nicole's POV

It has been just over a month since Liam adopted me, and things were just as crazy as ever. The boys tour was wrapping up and we were going to go to London in th next oouple of days. Everyone was busy getting things prepared for the long trip back to the lads home. I wasn't sure how I felt about leaving the place that I have called my home since I was born. Part of me is looking forward to leaving all the rotten memories that happened here but the other part of me is dreading leaving everything that is familiar to me. Liam and Harry were always around me making sure that I was okay and telling me stories about their house back in London and their families. I thought that I knew a lot about them before but in reality I knew very little. It felt like I finally had a family after months of floating throuogh the public systems.

It had taken Harry a little while to forgive himself for scaring me a couple weeks ago. I had to convince him that it wasn't his fault and that I wasn't mad at him at all. Liam tried to convince me to go to therapy but I wasn't able to to even think of talking to someone I didn't know about things that I didn't want to relive.

My room in the hotel was a mess right now, I was trying to figure out what should go in what bag. Since the plane ride was going to be really long I was going to need a lot of stuff to keep me busy. My clothes were already packed up into two large suitcases leaving me with clothes for the week and all my gadgets. I was allowed to carry ons, one to go over head and the other at my feet. I had already decided to put everything that I would use this week into the over head compartment, that should leave me with my phone and laptop along with some magazines and a book. When I was sure about how I was packing I went out to meet the boys before their last American concert.

The sight outside of my room would have made any girl faint, Harry, Zayn and Liam were all sitting on the couch shirtless while playing some video game. A month ago I would have been that girl and in some ways I still was, but the lads had become my family, Liam even more so.

I continued to look around for Louis and Niall before spotting them walking out of the hallway across the room where the other rooms were.

"Well lads, what should we do? We have to be at the arena by four meaning that we have about three hours to do whatever we want," Louis announced as he and Niall stopped next to me. I smirked at Niall as he rested his arrm across my shoulders, his eye lids drooping.

"How late were you out last night?" I whispered in my ear. My only answer was a loud groan and him leaving my side to go into the kitchen presumably to find some advil.

"I have something that I have to do today, if it's alright with you guys I am just going to grab a cab and meet you at the venue." I had been thinking about this for a couple weeks and now felt like the perfect time to go.

'Of course, do you want someone to go with you?" Liam asked, already worrying about me getting hurt when I hadn't even left the hotel yet.

"No thanks, I need to do this by myself," He nodded, "I'm just going to grab my phone and wallet." I excused myself from the room to grab my things. I didn't waste time, I wanted to get this done and over with before the concert. I hurried out of the room, throwing a good bye over my shoulder before hopping in to the waiting elevator.

The cab ride was uneventful, I spent most of the ride playing games on my phone and assuring Liam that I was alright, even though I don't think that he believed me. It wasn't long before I was paying the driver and walking up to the house that had been mine before the fire ravaged it. Nothing had been done to the lot since the fire, there were still burned out parts of grass and some belongings that were too far gone to save. I moved carefully through the rubble stopping every once and a while to pull myself together. I kept walking until I came to the spot where my room would have been. I was bending over to grab a badlly singed picture when I felt strong arms wrap around me, at first I thought that maybe Harry or Liam had followed me but the second a hand was pressed against my face I knew that it was time to panic. I tried screaming but the man behind me only pressed his hand tighter against my face effectively cutting off any noise from my mouth.

Before long I felt myself losing conciousness, I couldn't hold out any longer. I collapsed, the last thing I heard was a voice yelling my name.

*Harry's POV*

I was worried about Nicole, I didn't think that she was handling the upcoming move as well as everyone thought she was. There was something about this outing that she had planned today that just didn't seem right. I think Liam also noticed, he has been on edge since she left.

I stood up quickly, a strong feeling that something was wrong washed over me.

"Liam!" I yelled, 'Do you have that tracking ability on Nicole's phone?" He nodded as he jogger up to me.

"I do, why? What's wrong?"

"I have a really bad feeling about her going off by herself when the fans are starting to find out about her connection to us." He sighed and started to type something on his phone quickly.

"Those were my thoughts too, I just thought that I was being overly protective of her. I havee the address that she is at, it is kinda far so we had better hurry, call Paul on our way down and let him know where we are going alright?" And wiht thaat Liam and I are racing out of the hotle room and out into the waitng car. Liam told the driver where to go and told him to go as fast as he could. Neither of us could sit still the whole ride. By the time the car pulled up we could only focus on Talia, the money was thrown at the driver before my eyes focused on the road about 50 feet away from us.

"Nicole!' I screamed, I was completely useless as I watched a big man throow her in the back of a van. My feet were running before my brain could process what was going on. I chased after the van for as long as I could before I was forced to stop to catch my breath. It only took a minute for me to realize what had just happened. Nicole was gone.

AN: i am terrible and I know it. First I don't update for months and then I leave you with a cliff hanger....

But any way, who do you think the kidnapper is? First one to guess right will have the next chapter dedicated to them!!

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