Chapter 3 Please Don't Leave Me

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I smiled and snuggled closer to my pillow.I'd never slept this good before and I didn't want it to end.I heard a very deep and sexy chuckle and my eyes snapped open.I came face to face with a very drool worthy chest and slowly brought my eyes up to see beautiful forest green eyes staring down at me with amusement dancing in them.I yelped and tried to jump out of his hold but his grip only tightened.

"Um why are you here?Like in bed with me?"I asked putting my hands on his chest to put distance between us.My eyes snapped down to my hands when tingles started to erupt through them.I slowly brought my eyes back up to his face but he was still staring at my hands with a small smile on his face.

"You were having a nightmare."He said still looking at my hands.I tensed and he looked up to my eyes.

"You called for me.You were yelling like somebody was drowning you in a tub of silver.I just helped you calm down but when I got up to leave you made me stay with you."He said simply.

"Did you-Did you-"He cut me off.

"No.Your thoughts are private."He said shrugging.I smiled and physically relaxed.

"Thank you."I breathed out.He nodded and I bit my lip.

"The heat is coming."My wolf said.My eyes widened and I looked up to Alex again.His eyes were shut and he looked peaceful.

"How much time do I have?"I asked softly.

"It starts tomorrow."She mumbled.

"At least it only last for a week."I said softly.

"I'm an Alpha it's two weeks for you Luna."He said locking his eyes with mine making me realize that I said it out loud.To clarify the heat is when the female mate becomes more needy for her mate.It physically hurts her when her mate is away from her it's worse then any pain you could imagine.The male becomes more possessive of his mate.For everybody except the Alpha and his Luna/mate it last for a week, for a Alpha and his Luna/mate it last two weeks-for those that last one week they must mate together(if you get what I'm saying)within that time period and it's the same thing for the Alpha and his Luna except they get two weeks.As they are mating the male bares his canines and bites his mate between her neck and collarbone its the most pleasurable feeling in the world.It happens every year as soon as you meet your mate and it's not fun well the pain part anyways.

I slowly nodded my head and bit my lip again.

"Thanks for staying with me."I breathed out looking down.

"Your my Luna I'd do anything for you."He said.My eyes snapped up to his and widened.The sincerity in his voice and eyes was enough to make me melt.Mates are complicated things.You don't have to physically and mentally take care of your mate.You could even reject your mate if you were already in love with somebody else or if you just weren't ready for one.However if a mates mate dies it's a huge burden on your heart-in short it does something to you and makes you cold in a way.

"I'm not good for you.I have baggage and I don't think you want any of that in your life."I said softly looking down again.I bit my lip to hold in the tears.Did I mention how much I hate him for making me sensitive.

"I don't care.Till death do us part.Your baggage is mine and when you're ready to open up I'll be here ready to listen."He said softly.He placed his index finger under my chin and picked my head up to look in his eyes again.I could see the truth,determination, and love floating around in his eyes.

"I-ok."I breathed out smiling.He smiled back and I couldn't fight the sudden urge to kiss him.He didn't hesitate in kissing me back and tightened his hold on my waist and pulled my body closer to his.

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