Chapter 21~Love

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My breath caught in my throat as my back made contact with the ground for about the 100th time tonight and most likely not the last.I groaned and slowly closed my eyes.I was fighting maybe my 10th opponent and I was tired of being picked up and slammed on the ground like a rag doll.I wasn't allowed breaks as soon as one opponent was down the next was coming and I was surprised I was still going.Michael started to count down and as soon as he got to 4 I quickly got on my feet.I looked at Michael and he nodded once before giving me the signal telling me to end it once again.Michael clapped in a way of saying go.I watched as my opponent some big hulk looking man walked towards me and as soon as he was close enough I put my leg up rotating my hips and kicked him clean across his face.He fell with a thud silencing the room.I bent over trying to catch my breath but before I could move a knee met with my face and I was down.My next opponent ladies and gentlemen.I laid down staring at the ceiling counting the granite tiles.

"I'm done."I whispered to Michael.

"Your done when I tell you your done."Michael growled nodding his head in a direction.I followed his heads movements to see Alex being restrained by a guy bigger than the hulk I just put down.I groaned and shook my head as tears started to well up in my eyes.

"Let him go.She doesn't even love him."Faye screamed at Michael making an attempt to get to Alex.

"Is she stupid?"Michael asked the crowd staring incredulously at Faye.

"It's the truth."Alex said looking at me.

"So your both idiots."Michael said with a chuckle.The crowd made their own sounds of laughter as I began to stand.I was kicked down before I even made it to my feet.

"Phoenix!"I heard Noah yell at me.I gave him a weak smile as I looked back up at the ceiling.

"The love Phoenix has for my son isn't just going to go away because she rejected him.She couldn't even fully reject him.A full rejection is a wolves name."Michael said with a smirk.

"No she said my name.She said and I quote 'I reject you as my mate Alpha Alexander'."Alex said.

"I didn't say your last name.All I did was sever the bond between us."I mumbled making an attempt to get back on my feet.I was knocked down again and I let a tear run down my cheek as I realized I wouldn't be able to help Alex.

"What?"Alex mumbled under his breath.

"She loves you idiot.She always has."Aiden screamed at Alex smacking his head.

"Get up Phoenix."Michael growled.

"I can't."I sobbed letting tears run down my cheek.

"Fine."Michael said with a shrug.I let out a breath of relief but it was quickly replaced by a scream as my opponent grabbed my foot and twisted it successfully breaking my ankle.

"Phoenix."Noah screamed trying to run to me but he was grabbed and pushed into a seat.I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming more as I sat up to look at my ankle.With my wolf not being in my body my ankle was going to heal as a humans would.

"What is that?"I heard Aiden say.I turned to look at him to see him looking at Alex.I looked at Alex to see the guy that was holding him hostage pull out a needle.

"Wolfsbane."Michael said with a smirk.

"No."I whimpered as the needle got closer to Alex.

"Yes and that's enough to kill him instantly."Michael said crossing his arms over his chest.

"No."I said softly and slowly shaking my head in disbelief.

"Get up."Michael said.He put his hand up and the guard stopped trying to inject Alex.

"I can't."I whimpered.

"Fine."Michael said with a sneer.He nodded once and the guard began trying to inject Alex again.

"Stop."I screamed.Michael ignored me and I pushed myself up trying to get up.When Michael noticed he told the guard to stop again.My opponent tried to kick me down again but I grabbed his leg and twisted it breaking it and leaving him screaming.I stood up applying more pressure to my good leg and not both.I slowly walked towards my screaming opponent and punched him once putting him to sleep.I began to walk towards the guard holding Alex.

"Let him go."I growled.The guard looked at me and smirked in a way to challenge me.I wiped the tears off my face and smirked back before punching him clean in his face once.He dropped the needle as a form of being stunned and I quickly picked it up before injecting half of it into him.He fell with a thud and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.I hid the needle in my bra making sure to cover the needle as to not accidentally inject myself.Alex looked at me wide eyed before running up to me and hugging me tightly.As soon as I smelt his cologne and all the memories of the times when we were together began to sink in I couldn't help but to sob in his arms.He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist the best I could.I pulled back and leaned my forehead against his locking our eyes.He smiled wildly at me and I couldn't help but to smile back.

"I love you."Alex whispered before connecting our lips in a passionate kiss.My eyes popped open and I couldn't help the blood curdling scream that left my lips.

"If I can't have her, nobody can."I heard Michael growl from behind me.Michael shoved the knife deeper into me before pulling out a gun and shooting the ceiling once making everybody scream and run.He smirked evilly at us before disappearing into the crowd.I felt somebody pull the knife out and I couldn't help but to whimper in pain.Alex's grip on me tightened and he hugged me closer to his body as he began to sink to the floor with me in his arms.

"I'm-I'm so tired."I whispered slowly closing my eyes.

"No no no Phoenix- Phoenix baby wake up please I love you."I heard Alex scream.I couldn't help but to smile as I felt tears begin to run down my cheeks and I knew they weren't just my tears but also Alex's.I felt my heart tighten as I heard him sob.

"I love you too."I whispered.

"Then don't leave me."He sobbed pleadingly.I felt Alex softly kiss my lip before I felt my last breath leave my lips.

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