Chapter 2

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Soul jumped and growled, all of a sudden the men fell down dead and their shadows destroyed. Jaddock drew his swords as two men charged him. Jaddock took them out swiftly. Soon more men started coming out of the forest. “Soul, back-to-back!” Jaddock yelled to her, as more men attacked them from the woods. More dead bodies piled around them, but they couldn’t go on like this for long… Jaddock was starting to get tired, and he looked up and saw that Soul turned into her wolf form.

She had killed at least two more men, Jaddock looked up to see an archer aiming at Soul. He fired, “Soul, watch out!” Jaddock yelled, before he intercepted the arrow with his waist, Jaddock groaned in pain, “Argh! Damn it!” He yelled as he tried pulling out the arrow. Soul ran up to him and formed a barrier over him with her body, “Thanks.” Jaddock weakly told her as he winced in pain. Soul turned back into a human, and drew her katana, a band of ten men came out. Soul started growling, and Jaddock raised his hand and muttered a spell “ventrena” the ground opened up beneath the first five men, and they fell in. Soul laughed and yelled “Bye!” The other five men rushed at the same time.

Three figures jumped out of the tree and killed the last five, after that the attack was over, the three figures took off their hoods. There was a sixteen-year-old boy, fifteen-year-old girl, and an eleven-year-old girl, Soul looked at them, like she was expecting someone older than what she saw, “Don’t underestimate them. They’re the best assassins I know.” Jaddock said, he was still on the brink of passing out from blood loss. Soul walked up to him, “Hold still.” She told him, she grabbed  her wrist and bit into it. “Here, drink this.” she said, gesturing to her blood. “Ew, why would I do that?” he asked her, Soul just rolled her eyes and shoved the blood down his throat. Jaddock gagged, “Why did you do that!” Jaddock yelled at her. Soul looked at his waist, the wound started healing. “Oh...” was all Jaddock could muster. “...Thanks.”

Soul grabbed him and helped him up to walk to the three assassins, “Soul meet Darien, Maddie, and Night.” Jaddock introduced her to the three. “Hey.” Soul greeted them, “HI!” Night said with a smile on her face, “Night is very energetic.” Maddie said. “Hmm, I wonder where she gets it from.” Darien told her. “Hey, just because she’s my sister doesn’t mean we have the same personality.” Maddie retorted. “Sure it does.” Jaddock told Soul, Maddie was staring daggers at him as Soul laughed, “Come here, you.” Maddie grabbed him by his jackets collar, and kissed him on the lips, Jaddock returned it. “EWW!” Night squealed, all of them laughed, “Hey Soul, if you don’t have anyplace to be you could stay at the camp we made.” Jaddock asked her. Soul shrugged, “Sure I don’t see why not.” “Ok follow us.” Jaddock said walking to a bush, he pulled it back and on the right  side were five tents, and the left side had  a lake, to go fishing or swimming. Soul whistled, “Nice.”

Jaddock just shrugged, “I guess.” He said grabbing his guitar, and started playing. Soul sang along, “I didn’t take you for a singer.” Jaddock said. “Perks of being a wolf.” Soul said. “Hey, you two, come over here!” Ace said motioning to the two to come to the fire pit.

“Jaddock, ready?” Darien asked. He grabbed drumsticks, and he saw Maddie grab her flute. “Oh I want to try something new.” Jaddock started to sing.

“Lately I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep, dreaming about the things we could be, but lately I’ve been praying hard, said no more counting dollars, we’ll be counting stars

yeah we'll be, we'll be counting stars.”

Jaddock sang while playing his guitar. Maddie started to play her flute. Soul joined in.

“I see this life like a swinging vine,

Swing my heart across the line

And my face is flashing signs seeking it out and ye shall find

Old, but I’m not that old

Young, but I’m not that bold

I don’t think the world is sold

I’m just doing what we’re told.

I feel something so right

Doing the wrong thing

I feel something so wrong

Doing the right thing.

Oh it’s going down, I’m yelling Timber

You better move, you better dance.

Lets make a night we won’t remember

I’ll be the one you won’t forget.

Lately I’ve been I’ve been losing sleep

Dreaming about the things we could be

But baby I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,

Said counting dollars we’ll be counting stairs.”

Jaddock ended the song. “Wow, when you said different you meant different.” Maddie said, “Well I’m going to sleep, night everybody.” “Night.” All of us said. “Yeah I’m also going to bed.” Darien said stretching his arms.

Soon it was just, Jaddock and Soul “You aren’t tired?” she asked him, “Nah, I’m more of a night person, what about you?” Jaddock replied. “Me too.”

Jaddock looked up into the night sky and saw a shooting star blaze across the sky, putting his arms behind his head, he yawned and then said, “If you get tired you can sleep in my tent I really don’t mind sleeping outside.” Jaddock said. “Thanks.” Soul said, Jaddock adjusted his position on where he was laying and after a few minutes fell asleep.

That’s when the dream came, Jaddock was back in his village, but he was the same age as he is now. Suddenly the roofs of the houses caught on fire and horsemen in animal skins and armor came in started killing everyone there, his parents were included, “NO!” Jaddock yelled, running into the forest. Then a large man in armor cloths lined him, and knocked the air out of him. “They will die and you won’t be able to do anything about it.” He said grabbing Jaddock throat he started choking the world was going black, “When will I wake up from this dream?”

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