Chapter 14

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Jaddock jumped onto one of the SNH and stabbed him through his head, flipping off him Jaddock charged towards two more hunters both fired at him with arrows he dodged one the other hitting him in the arm. Jaddock took out both of them by casting a fire spell, the pain from the arrow lodged into his stung he grabbed the shaft and snapped it leaving the arrow itself to get it out later.

He turned toward one of the surviving hunters his leg was burned from the explosion of one of their transports, Jaddock picked him up and slammed him into a wall “ Where is she?” Jaddock yelled to him, he picked the man up again and threw him into the wall when he didn’t answer. The hunter hit the wall with such force that his rib cage had broke.

Jaddock ran out of patience and snapped his neck and walked off “Well that went well.” He thought with a smirk as he ran away from the area before reinforcements arrived, Jaddock kept running, he finally stopped and sat down on a park bench. Suddenly it hit him; Soul and Night were still being chased by the SNH

:. With Soul and Night:.

Soul pushed Night behind a desk and dived in after her, a hail of bullets quickly followed them, Soul put up a shadow barrier to hold them off, even if just for a few minutes if their were lucky, seconds if they weren’t “S-soul?” Night asked with tears in her eyes, Soul looked down at her “what’s wrong?”

            “Will we be okay?” Night asked fear was evident in her voice “hey listen to me we’ll be fine, now come with me.” Soul said, grabbing Nights hand they ran up to the top of the building, Soul looked down the ground was far below them. Footsteps echoed behind them Soul turned grabbed Night and jumped off the building, a bomb that Soul had managed to plant near the door. Night screamed, and Soul turned so that her body would shield Night from the fall. Suddenly she lost the feeling of falling down, opening her eyes Soul looked around and saw a small black dragon carrying them, and it wasn’t Jaddock since it was a lot smaller than him.

            The dragon landed at a park where Jaddock was waiting for them, the dragon softly dropped them both and landed, “thanks Nitala.” The dragon bowed and started to shrink until it became an ornament “You guys ok?” Jaddock asked them both, Night nodded Soul was still frozen from shock but after awhile she became responsive “Soul you okay?” Jaddock asked, she suddenly snapped at him “I told you to stay with Night, don’t fight them, what would have happened if Night got killed? I don’t think Maddie would’ve liked it if her sister got killed!” Jaddock flinched “Soul, I was trying find out where Maddie was, and I was buying time for you guys to escape, I was thinking about her safety.” He said, Soul just sighed, “well did you find where she was?” he shook his head. Soul jumped up and looked around the entire SNH started to spread and look for them “we need a place to lay low.” She said, Night looked behind them and saw a hotel “hey about there?” she asked pointing to it.

            Jaddock shrugged “I guess, that could work.” Soul noticed his arm was bleeding “Hey what happened to your arm?” she asked, Jaddock looked at it “Oh I just got hit with an arrow, no big deal.” He said shrugging it off  “I’ll get the rest of it later. Now come on before they find us.” Jaddock said walking towards the hotel. It was small compared to the other building in the city; it only had three floors when the three got inside Soul hid behind Jaddock and tried not to attract any attention to her, Jaddock asked for one room, “Here you go, and what’s with the ears and tail?” the lady at the desk asked, Soul looked up “Uhh” she said Jaddock saved them by quickly answering “we just got back from Comicon.” He said smiling at her. The lady rolled her eyes, went back to work, the three walked towards the elevator, Night looked over “Comicon? She asked him “Uh do you really want me to answer that?” Jaddock said laughing when they got into the elevator. Night just groaned and pressed the floor their room was on. Soul had shifted into her wolf form and was sniffing the small space, the elevator jolted and Soul jumped up in surprise and landed on Jaddock, which just resulted in him carrying her the rest away up. Night couldn’t help but giggle.

            Soul got down and shifted back to normal, and just sat down on the floor “what’s the room number?” she asked taking the keys from Night “It was 317” Jaddock said following her into the room. The room had two beds a balcony, and a television. Jaddock felt a sharp pain shoot up his arm “Ow!” he yelled “Yeah I think I need to get the arrow out now.” Jaddock said, sitting down on the desk he rolled up sleeve and brought out a dagger and dug into the wound he winced in pain, but kept digging soon he was able to get the arrowhead out of his arm, and now he could see what it looked like, the arrow was black, and even though it was lodged in his arm their was no blood on it, but there was something moist on it. Jaddock couldn’t figure out what it was, and put it on top of the desk, flopping down on the bed, went to sleep.

            When he woke up the sun had already set, and Night and Soul had fallen asleep, Night was sleeping in the other bed, and Soul was in wolf form sleeping on the balcony. Someone knocked on the door and Jaddock went to open it, “Yes?” he asked, there was a man there “may I help you?” Jaddock asked, the man pointed a gun at him. Jaddock stepped to the side, grabbed his arm, and threw the man out the window, and over the balcony. Soul and Night woke up to the noise of fighting, both watched dazed as another flew past them. Soul was the first to recover and charged three more that ran in. Night unsheathed her dagger and started fighting, Jaddock and Soul were back to back suddenly there was shriek from the other room, Night had been cornered by three men, Soul and Jaddock ran forward. Soul reached them first and jumped in front of Night just as the man in the middle brought down a dagger “NO!” Jaddock yelled…

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