Chapter 7

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        "Hey let us out!" Jaddock yelled to the guards. "Shut it!" one of them replied, rolling his eyes he muttered "for angles you guys are very cruel." Soul smirked. A female angle walked up to Jaddock's cage and smiled at him, the Halfing sheepishly smiled back "what are you doing here, you have the essence of a spirit but still mortal though, why?" she asked him, Jaddock shrugged "you already know the answer to that." he replied softly to her. The angel nodded," Yes we are dealing with the demon part, but you must deal with the Shade part on your own, a guard will come in here in a few minutes, to set you free and, you will be sent back to your own world." Jaddock looked up at Soul, "What about Soul?", she stood up "I wish you luck Jaddock Payne." and walked away leaving him in the dark.

        Sighing, Jaddock started pacing in his cell, a few minutes later an angel in armor walked up and unlocked the door to Jaddock's cell "and the demon." A female voice echoed "but..." the guard said, but then sighed and walked to Soul's cell, and unlocked her cell door, suddenly a bright flash of light encased the two, and they both fell onto the floor of the portal room, "you alright?" Jaddock asked Soul, "Could be worse." she said, suddenly a demon, lunged at Jaddock but an arrow hit it causing the demon to turn into ash. Soul smirked as she watched the demon die "Hey you guys are back!" Maddie ran up to them, she had a bow, and a quiver full of arrows "what happened?" Soul asked her, "A bunch of demons breached through the wall, and are in the base." she told the two "wait are they in the base right now?" Jaddock asked her, Maddie nodded "that gives me an idea. Soul I need you to ghost out and follow me, Maddie use the spell you used to send me and Soul through the portal, and Night take Sarah and get somewhere safe." Soul nodded and disappeared, Night took Sarah and hid in one of the rec rooms, and Maddie took postion at the portal "what about you?" Soul asked Jaddock "I'll draw them out, and when I give the word, Maddie will open the portal and Soul you push them in, lets give these demons a surprise." Jaddock and Soul ran out to face the demons, "Hey over here!" Jaddock yelled to them.

        the demons rushed him, and Jaddock turned tail and ran, when they were near the portal room Jaddock gave the word "NOW!" he yelled, and jumped up and over the demons. Maddie opened the portal, and Soul grabbed their shadows and pushed them into the portal. Soul materialized, her eyes were glowing red, she smirked, and turned towards Night who had walked up to her "Ummm, Soul the fight is over if you could turn that off, I would be most grateful." She asked her, Soul just grinned, and looked at Night, suddenly Soul lifted her hands and a some claws, lashed out from her hands. Soul swung her hand at the eleven year old, her claws barely missing her, suddenly an arrow hit Soul in the shoulder, the three looked up and saw two angels with bows drawn, and arrows aimed at Soul. "Stop don't shoot!" Jaddock said to them "Fire!" the lead angel said, and three arrows, were fired at the demon, two missed her, but one hit her in the arm. 

        The young demon yelped in pain, she growled at the angels, "Let me talk to her!" Maddie pleaded with them, the commander raised his hand and the angles weapons disappered, "Soul you know me your old pal Maddie, we wouldn't do anything to hurt you and you wouldn't do anything to hurt us either." Soul slashed at her, Maddie barrel rolled out of the way "Soul whatever is controlling you fight it!" Jaddock said to her, walking up to her and Maddie "we want our friend back." Soul's wings grew out her back, and she flew up, Jaddock followed her, Turning into a wolf twice her size, Soul started emmitting darkness from her body, the angles, disappeared in a flash of light, and Jaddock and had trouble staying airborne, letting out a loud howl, Soul turned back into her original form, and started falling back towards the ground.

        "Some one catch her!" Jaddock yelled down the girls, Maddie ran up and created a wind current to safely carry back down to the ground, Jaddock landed down, and knelt down, next to her "what was that?" Maddie asked him, "I dunno know." Jaddock shrugged, picking Soul up, he carried her into one of the cabins and laid her on the bed, "You two stay with her when she wakes up, tell me." he said to Maddie "where are you going?" Maddie asked him "to get some rest I'm exhausted." He yawned Maddie laughed and kissed him on the cheek "sleep tight." she said to him. Night was sitting  on a chair swinging her legs, and Maddie, was about to nod off when she heard a groan. "Soul how ya feeling?" she asked her, Soul just sat up and started crying, Maddie was a little bit surprised but sat down next to her "ssh it's ok we know you didn't do it on purpose." Maddie said quietly to her, just holding her. Maddie sat next Soul until she fell asleep.        

        Jaddock woke up in a cold sweat from a disturbing dream, not a nightmare but a dream "what where did that come from?" he asked himself, looking to his left he saw Maddie, Night, and Soul sleeping peacefully, he decided to take a flight to clear his head, walking silently as he could, he wrote a note on left it on the door, shifted to his dragon form, and took off through the skylight. "Yeah!" he roared, as he jackknifed into a dive, he tried pulling up, but something wrapped around his tail, the ground grew closer  "no no no!" Jaddock crashed into the forest, and with a sickening crack lost consciousness 

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