Chapter Six

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“Ugh.” Jaddock groaned “Hey he’s waking up go tell her.” A voice said, Jaddock tried getting up he felt a hand on his shoulder “easy you took a beating out there.” A voice he thought, he would never here again. Looking up with her golden blonde hair was. “Maddie.” He said hoarsely, holding onto her tight as if she was his life source, tears started falling “I thought I had lost you.” He said, Maddie cried into his shoulder. The cell door opened revealing a guard standing at the doorway, walking in the guard grabbed Jaddock by the arm and led him into a room, well threw him into a room “Well, well, well look who have here the great Jaddock Payne.” A voice said, a foot hit him in his stomach, throwing him a few feet into the air “not so great anymore are you?” the person asked him “what do you want Durza?” Jaddock asked the shade, coughing “what do I want? It’s simple revenge!” He yelled suddenly appearing in front of the Halfling “for who you may ask also very simple my master.”

         “Bring her in.” Durza commanded one of the guards standing at the door, he walked out. Durza had pale white skin, crimson eyes and hair, and was really pale, “I’ll get revenge not killing you, but when I’m done You’ll be begging me to kill you.” He sneered “the girl sir.” The guard said Jaddock looked up and saw Maddie trying to fight the guards grip “Maddie! Durza you lay a finger on her and I will kill you.” He growled, the guard proceeded to chain her up to the wall next to a hot furnace. “Hold the girl down, and you two hold him down.” He said to three guards grabbing a hot branding rod from the fire, he looked straight at Maddie, the said girl whimpered, the brand touched her skin, the scream she gave when it touched was ear piercing. Jaddock tried fighting off the guards, but them being demons were stronger than him, all he could do was look away tears in his eyes as he heard the fifth contact of the brand with Maddie’s skin, suddenly the guards released their grip on Jaddock and fell down dead, Jaddock turned around and saw Soul standing in the doorway, Durza turned around and saw her, he went invisible and then appeared next to Jaddock picking him up and putting a knife to his throat, Soul smirked and went into her shadow form “the he—“ he was stopped by a knife going into his back, Soul reappeared and whispered into his ear “No one hurts my friends and gets away with it.” Before the shade disembodied, Maddie was barely conscious, and Soul had to catch her “thanks.” She heard her mutter. Soul smiled and bit her wrist “here.” She said, Maddie drank the blood and her burns started to repair.

         Going to help Jaddock up “seems you got my message.” Jaddock said smiling, during the hug he and Maddie shared, Jaddock sent a telepathic message to Soul telling her where they were “what about the others?” He asked her “I set them free, right now they are probably taking out the remaining guards.” Soul smiled “come on lets get outta here.” Jaddock said, “I like that idea.” Maddie laughed, they walked to outskirts of the forest where Night was waiting for them, when she saw her older sister; she hugged her without embarrassment and for everyone to see. “It’s good to see you to sis.” She said hugging her tightly. They all got back to the base “hey guys take a look at this.” Sarah said, she was standing on a balcony, pointing to the city in the distance. It was in flames from a battle with demons and men and the demons were winning.


         “What are we going to do?” Sarah asked her dad, “I know what we have to do.” Soul said, they all turned to her “ask an angel to help us or several angels.”  Night then spoke up “yeah but to do that we need to go to…” “Heaven I know, someone needs to volunteer I would go myself but.” Soul finished her sentence, and everyone knew why she couldn’t go, one word demon.

         “I could do it I mean all I need is a way to get there without being dead.” Jaddock said, Maddie chuckled “Follow me then.” She said, Jaddock, Soul and Night followed her to a room, it was the walls were lined with gold, torches lined the walls, giving the room an eerie vibe to it. In the middle stood an statue of an angel, Soul stopped in her tracks and started growling when she saw the statue, Jaddock and Maddie walked in, while Soul reluctantly walked in and kept her distance from the statue “what is this place?” She asked her, “It’s a portal room.” Night said, “to heaven.” Maddie simply said, while putting Jaddock in front of the statue “A portal straight to heaven that’s something.” Jaddock said, Maddie just shrugged, and walked next to where Soul was, all of sudden a yelp escaped her, the statue was beginning to affect her, Maddie closed her eyes and concentrated. Suddenly a large funnel of light came through a hole at the top of the mountain, Soul yelped again and put up a shadow barrier the light, and statue burning through, and singeing her skin. Then the funnel disappeared and Jaddock with it, meanwhile the statue was smoking. Maddie’s knees gave out and she collapsed, the two girls rushed to her side.

         “I’m alright!” she said waving them off “wait a minute is he actually in heaven right now?” Soul asked her, Maddie nodded “Oh this is bad, this is very bad.” Soul said “what why?” Night asked her “because he has the presence of a demon coming from him they could kill him!” Soul answered, “Maddie send me in.” Soul said, Maddie whipped her head to her “are you crazy you saw what the statue did to you before the portal activated!” Maddie exclaimed “I don’t care send me up there!” she growled. Maddie sighed then nodded, “stand right there.” Maddie pointed to where Jaddock had been. Soul walked over trying to ignore the pain she was receiving “Alright I’m ready.” She nodded to her; Maddie closed her eyes and concentrated. Then the funnel reappeared and Soul flinched as she was thrown up. Soul opened her eyes, and saw a giant city with golden streets, she walked into a building, and grabbed a white cloak to hide her, and black tendrils were flowing out under the cloak.

         Then she fell to the ground, she looked up saw an angel, and the angel grabbed her arm and dragged her to a room “Found this one crawling around.” She said to a figure that was dressed in white from head to toe, the figure turned and faced Jaddock who was tied to a chair “don’t know what I’m talking about hmm?”  It said, and with a wave of his hand, he said, “Get rid of them.”

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