Chapter 13

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Soul's eyes stopped glowing red and rolled back into her head, she also dropped Jaddock's body in the process, the room fell into an eerie silence as Soul lost consciousness, a few men came in with masks on, "get the girl!" a tall man said. The group went for Soul "No not her the tall blonde, and make sure to leave the note to." after picking the lock they took and Maddie and carried her out of the building.

        -time skip-

Night woke up with a groan and looked around, sunlight was shinning through the windows, Soul was still unconsciouss, and Jaddock was barely breathing, and then she saw the note. Night read it her eyes widened and she let out a gasp, and ran out the unlocked cage door, "Soul, wake up, wake up!" Soul didnt budge "Soul. Wake. Up!" Night said pushing her after each word "N- Night where..." Soul didn't need to finish. Night wrapped her arms around the demon, "I... I thought you were--"  she said crying, Soul rubbed her hand in circles on the little girls back trying to comfort her.

Night looked over at Jaddock, Soul followed her gaze she put Night in front of her "did I?" she asked her Night shrugged "I dont know I was knocked out, but when I woke up I found this" she said grabbing the note from her back pocket, Soul took it and read she started baring her teeth as she countinued "They have her." Night said "Crane has Maddie" Soul threw the paper to the ground and walked towards Jaddock's cage "Jaddock." she whispered "Jaddock!" Soul said a bit louder. Jaddock groaned and coughed up some blood. Soul grinned and her tail started wagging "Hey you ok?" she asked him. Jaddock smiled "well I'm alive aren't I?" Night laughed, and Soul rolled her eyes. Soul looked at the cage, she put her hands on the bars and ripped the bars off, she did the same with his chains.

Jaddock fell to the ground and groaned "Sorry!" Soul said helping him up. "Jaddock!" Night said "Durza took Maddie while all of us were out." "WHAT!" Jaddock said jolting up, to which resulted in sharp pain in his side "I'm going to kill that little--" Jaddock bit his tounge since there was a little girl with them. Night looked at him, while Soul started to smirk "whatever just help me up." Jaddock said, putting his hand out. Soul and Night helped him towards the door, when they opened it. The three of them were nearly blinded by sunlight. Soul put up a shadow barrier to block the sunlight "Yeesh it sure is bright." Soul said, "Hey is it just me or does it sound different?" Jaddock asked the two.

Soul perked her ears and listened cars bustled in the streets, and people chatted as they walked on the sidewalks "we're in the city aren't we?" Night asked "Ah crap." Soul said "is there a forest near here?" she asked Jaddock shook his head "I've never been here so, I'm as lost as you are." Soul looked at him "so you're telling me that this." she said gesturing to the city in front of them "isn't Fernchance!?" Night jumped in "Nope." Jaddock looked around to see if anyone was looking, then muttered a spell, and Souls ears and tails disappeared "It's temporary." Jaddock said with a mischivous look on his face, "What did you do!" Soul asked in a panic. "I just made your tail and ears invisible their still there but we need you to look a bit more human." Jaddock said. Suddenly a group of trucks pulled up with the letters SNH on it "Run!" Jaddock yelled as the the three ran a team of super natural hunter personal jumped out of the trucks, firing rifles at the three. Something clicked in Jaddock's mind clicked as he stopped and turned around "JADDOCK PAYNE WHAT ARE DOING!" Soul yelled at him when she realized he had stopped "Durza tipped them off how do you think they found us so fast." Soul realized what she was about to do "Jaddock don't be stupid! The SNH will kill you!".

Jaddock drew his swords, and looked back at Soul "get Night and yourself out of here!" Jaddock said, his vision tunnelled, his thoughts became clouded as he foucused on one person Maddie.  He ignored the pleas of Night and Soul to come back, and charged the SNH.

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