+ halloween.

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Longggg time,here yall go my loves<3



"Quit moving."

I inhaled,since mustering up a reply wasn't possible. I had two girls working on my facial makeup,trying to make it look as perfect as it could.

"Almost,",Nadia paused and bit her lower lip. After finishing off the fuss on my lips,she grinned wide and clapped her hands,"Done!"

My hair was slightly tugged on when Lauren pushed it through the straightener for the last time.

"Here you go,y/n!",she chimed as she moved away from the mirror,giving me a chance to look at myself.


My features were quoted with the right amount of white powder,eyeliner on point,lipstick perfectly designed as a little of it flowed down the left edge,making it seem like it was bleeding.

Three stitch marks hovered my forehead,cheek and the area below my eyes.

My hair was straighter than ever,giving me a chance to run my hands over the smooth length again and again.

It was perfect.

Since I was terrible at doing halloween makeup for myself,Nadia and Lauren insisted on doing it.

"It's so amazing!",I squealed with a smile. "Thank you guys!"

Kenzie,who'd just gotten out of the bathroom after changing into her costume,hooted at the sight of me. The three of us giggled.

Every single one of us girls looked smoking,perfect halloween dolls. Wearing either a dress or a skirt,we pulled off the look pretty well.

I slipped on my ankle length dress,all black with an open back and a slit that reached up to my mid thigh.

After taking endless amounts of pictures,we laughed as the impatient boys groaned from down the stairs. All of them had gotten their makeup done by the three experts,since they claimed we'd take our own sweet eternity to do so.

"Girls,come on!"

"Be there in a minute!",Kenzie replied to Carson's call. The three of us grabbed everything necessary and dumped it in the purse we'd been taking,since carrying four would be too bothering.

Slipping on our shoes,we began our red carpet walk down the wooden stairs of the Orlando household.

My flats remained silent as the other three pairs of heels clunk with each step they'd take. The living area,too huge to be seen at once,came in sight as we stepped down the last two stairs.

All the four pairs of eyes that'd been glued to the television playing some random show,landed on us.

"Holy mama,",Brandon hooted causing us to giggle as we walked over to them.

We did a little turn around as Carson pretended to click our pictures with his fingers tangled as a camera. Brandon clapped his hands as Hayden told us what pose to take,just like some professional.

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