+ nyctophilia. 3

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i'm a lazy ass for not updating soon oof!

stay inside,stay safe!
love you guys <3



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this entire part is in johnny's POV (not something we see often woop)

johnny :)

"How was counselling?"

"Fucking bull.",I grumbled out as an answer to Asher's question as we walked down the hallway a good few minutes before first period. My ears hurt from all the overly loud chatter that all those chaotic morons made,scattered around like bacteria.

"How many more sessions?",Asher asked again,titling his head to look at me.

"Until I 'learn how to control my anger and not lash out on people who cannot defend themselves'.",I quoted Ms.Jillian.

"That's ridiculous,",Asher scoffed.

One of the boys from the basketball team came up to us,giving me an acknowledging nod as I rolled my eyes in return. He turned to Asher,telling him something about the team going out after school for something I couldn't care less for.

Asher declined politely,apologetically telling him that he couldn't join them. His teammate looked at me from the corner of his eyes,as if knowing that it was because of me that Asher wasn't going.

"He said no,would you get lost now?",I snapped. He held up his hands and began walking backwards,"Chill mate,I'm leaving,"

Then I turned to Asher,"Why aren't you going?"

He scrunched up his face,"Are you kidding? I can only tolerate the guys because of basketball,that's it."

He was telling me only half the truth,and I knew how annoying those hard headed jocks could be. But I also knew he had been declining them to hang out with me. I was grateful for it and all,but I didn't want him to feel the need to give me all his time. He was one of the few people that I would voluntarily sign up to spend time with,with others I felt like catapulting them to another country.

"I'm not your damn charity case,alright? You don't need to babysit me all the time.",I narrowed my eyes at my best friend.

He only grinned,"Of course you're not. You're just less annoying,since you know,you spend all your time criticising the world instead of flirting with every girl that walks by like the boys from my team. I prefer that,"

I scoffed,"You're a loser."

Asher chuckled and we began walking again,"For wanting to hang out with you?"

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