+ new girl. 4

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"Its going to be a kick ass evening."

The six of us had driven to this retro themed diner not too far away from school,a neon lights' sign that said 'Barnes' illuminating outside,the aroma of mouth watering food swimming in the warm air of the diner.

We had been in here for around an hour now,and currently the boys were talking about a soccer match that was going to be held next week,and the boys would be playing.

And I'd be lying if I said that while Kenzie and Lauren made a few remarks here and there while the guys talked,I hadn't mentally pictured Johnny in a jersey,hair and body all sweaty,scoring a goal or two.

Well,fine,an image of him possibly taking off his jersey shirt on the field as most boys do popped up in my mind.

Which,obviously,made my cheeks heat up.

"You're alright?",Johnny,who was sitting on my right,said in a hushed voice,not wanting to interrupt the conversation the others were having.

"Hm?",I distractedly said,"Yeah."

"I'll be back from the restroom,",said Lauren as she fetched her cardigan that was hanging on the back of the chair before slipping it on.

"I'll come too,",I said,since we were the only ones who were done eating,Kenzie was still drinking her milkshake while the guys ate their ordered food. I figured I could wash my hands and get my tomato red cheeks from imagining a certain green eyed boy shirtless calmed down.

We walked away from our table in the farthest corner of the diner,heading to the restrooms on the other side.

While Lauren was in one of the stalls,I looked at myself in the mirror and smoothed out my hair. A moment later,Lauren came out of the stall and gave me a smile as she washed her hands,the two of us then heading back to our table.

As we were walking,we noticed a group of guys walk in,the bell hung on the door chiming as they entered.

Lauren accidentally bumped into one of them as we were passing by,saying a quick apology. We were just about to step around them when one of them said in a malicious voice.

"Look here,its an Orlando."

He blocked our path,standing in front of us as he blocked our view,his two friends right behind him.

The guy looked our age,a lip ring on the side of his chapped lips,a slit in his right eyebrow as his hair fell on the left side of his forehead,a mean smirk plastered on his face as he let his eyes shamelessly roam over Lauren.

Johnny Orlando ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now