Let's Talk About Them Bad Ones

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Couldn't think of a better title, so that will have to do. *Shrug*

Anyway, as I'm sure you all know by now, Wattpad is probably most known for its infamous bad boys that seem to pop up everywhere.

Now, I know there are a bunch of "Wattpad Cliches" books out there that talk about this, but honestly, who can make a Wattpad rant book without including the very subject that makes Wattpad, well, Wattpad?

(Here's an interruption to say that...I've done it again. -~- ⬆That up there, is probably the longest sentence I have ever written.)

Anyway, back to the topic of Mister I'm-a-brick-wall-when-you-run-into-me and Mister Rippling with Muscles at freaking SIXTEEN. Though, usually at high school settings, the guys are eighteen or maybe even nineteen because, you know, bad boys skip class so much that it's a miracle they graduate secondary school.

Yo, I don't even think it's possible for twenty-year-olds to have that much muscle without a little help of steroids.

I think I'm getting off topic again. *Sigh* So, let's move on to the saltiness that I have about bad boys of Wattpad. The actual rant part that any reader that chose this book is probably waiting for.


So, here's the thing. Bad boys in Wattpad books wouldn't really annoy that much if they weren't so...well, annoying.

Let me break it down for you. Bad boys of Wattpad are freaking unrealistic as hell. Do you want to know what real bad boys are like?

Lucky for you, I knew a couple, and boy, do I never want to meet them ever again.

For privacy sake, I'll call bad boy numero 1, Kiki. (Just a random name that popped into my mind.) Bad boy number 2 will be referred to as Shifty, because this guy has the shiftiest eyes I have ever seen.

So, I knew Kiki when I was in the fourth grade, and let me tell you, this guy had all the makings of a bad boy, a.k.a. problem child.

Kiki was a real devil. To the point where I felt sorry for his parents. He never showed any remorse, and he lived to get in trouble. He was expelled from like three schools before coming to mine until he eventually got expelled from my school, too. He moved on to a rival school and, no surprise, didn't last very long there, either. I believe it was his last school because he got expelled in high school.

From what I heard, he eventually became a taxi driver and a bad influence for kids at the last school he was expelled at.

Anyway, Kiki was bad news. He joked about killing people, racism, and would have most likely made sexist and/or rape jokes as well. In fact, he almost raped a girl at the last school he was at.

That's the real bad boy. Yes, he likely did drugs and I don't doubt for a second that he took alcohol as a minor. He was the kind to have tattoos and all that jazz. If he lived in America, he would have joined like a motorcycle gang or something. I wouldn't be surprised if he went to jail, but maybe I'm being a little harsh.

Basically, bad boy number one is not someone you want a romantic relationship with.

On to Shifty. Shifty fits the classic bad boy profile. Leather jacket, into soccer, womaniser, bad grades. What could possibly go wrong?

While in a story, a nerdy good girl might have touched his heart so much that he became good, reality just doesn't work that way. Shifty would pretend to change just for the physical affection.

He's a scary guy to get in a relationship with. The girl he dated the longest (at least to my knowledge) stuck with him because he freaking manipulated her into staying with him.

No matter how much her friends told her he was bad news, and no matter how many times she knew he was bad news, the moment he spoke to her, it was like she fell into a spell.

Shifty knew how girls worked. He could charm girls by actively taking interest in them. He seemed like he was genuinely interested in what a girl said, remembering it for later just to prove that he cared.

But he was also emotionally abusive. Once he strung up a girl with sweet words and romantic gestures, he had her wrapped around his finger, playing her like a fiddle.

He tore his girlfriend down, always criticising her appearance, then complimenting her. You know, emotional abuse.

So, you might understand why bad boys of Wattpad irk me. They tend to be like one of the guys I described above. At least the delinquent and womanising part.

But the thing is, for me personally, when I see Wattpad stories that romanticise bad boys, I think of Kiki and Shifty and how they would never change for a girl, at least not in high school.

Well, I think I'll finish off there. Not sure if this rant had any relevance to Wattpad, but whatever. It was a peeve of mine that I really needed to get out there.

I think this one got off topic, so next time, I'll actually get to the cliché parts. Like the bumping into a brick wall thing, smirks, orbs, six-pack abs, and the like.

Until next time...

Ta ta~

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