Chapter 12 : A Night Out

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A.N at the end


Chapter 12: A Night Out

Dear stupid computer.

Missed me ? Sorry I've gone away for a while.

Kelly is back. She has me writing these stupid entry's again. Uncle Ted called her of course. I've been meeting with her twice a week because I stopped talking and eating.

I just haven't had anything to say. I just haven't been hungry.

We know that's bulshit.

Just like most stupid teenage girls.

I'm scilenced by a suttle heartbreak.

Harry hasn't talked to me in 2 months.

He just glances at me.

Better yet glances THROUGH me. This wretched smirk covers his face and he stares at me like I'm nothing.

It pissed me off so bad a couple weeks ago I went off on him during class. He just stared me, blankly. I stormed out of class to the principals office.

They had my file so they sent me "home" for the day. Of course.

There I go again acting like some basket case, psychopathic , hormonal teenager.

Then Kelly came, found out I haven't been talking and eating.

Then BOOM. Here I am on a Friday night, typing on my extremely difficult to use computer.

I knew this helped me but there was no way I would let Kelly in on that.

Well anyways. I don't even know what I did to him.

I just know he took a piece of me and just left. He was there for me. And now it's like we never even met.

Anyways, remmeber that girl ? Cassie? Who showed me where the library is?

She is the best person ever. I've opened up to her a lot. We are so different but have become great friends.

She has chemistry with me.

Like the class ?


I haven't had a friend in a while.

A real friend. Besides the gang.

But honestly they're Harry's friends.

Not mine.

I'm going to a party tonight at Louis 's house.

I know everyone's going to be there.

But that doesn't mean I can't go ?

Who cares if he's there.

I don't need him.

-Melanie, a very confused and reckless teenager.

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