The Ninja

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Okay, so. This is something of an experiment for me. I've never written for Morro before and have barely seen Season 5 *cough only watched three episodes cough cough*, but I've somehow fallen in love with how some authors(especially DietCokeIsLife on fanfiction) write for him, so I decided to give it a shot. Please bear with me and forgive me if I commit a terrible crime by writing for Morro. *hids behind a barricade of pillows*

Each little section focuses on a different POV. First it's the ninja besides Cole, then Sensei Wu, then Cole himself, then Morro. Hope this doesn't confuse anyone. 

Alright, enough outta me. Let's begin!


Cole was kinda weird.

This was something that all of the ninja knew. While not quite on the same level of weirdness as Zane, it was hard to ignore that Cole was a little on the strange side. He often had this faraway, kinda dreamy look on his face and in his eyes, and more than once Jay had caught the black ninja talking to himself.

The reason for this was simple...well, kinda.

Cole could see ghosts.

Or, so he claimed. So far, he hadn't been able to prove it, but he got so upset when Kai made fun of him talking to 'imaginary people'(not to mention all of the weird things that happened afterwards—it took Kai a week to find all of his missing stuff) that the ninja all made a secret vow to just go along with the whole 'I see and talk to dead people' thing.

Though, sometimes...they had cause to believe that Cole was telling the truth.

Today was one of those days.

"ALRIGHT!" Kai roared as he stomped into the game room. "Who stole my last bottle of premium shampoo?! Fess up and I might go easy on you."

"Wasn't me!" Jay instantly denied, holding up his hands in surrender.

"I did not take it," Zane piped up as well.

"I didn't do it," Cole said. "You know that your shampoo makes me sneeze—"

Cole suddenly paused, his eyes glazing over for a second and his head tilting to the side as if he were listening to something. Seconds later, the black ninja scowled and glared behind him. "Dude, seriously?" He grumbled. "Why?"

Kai coughed. "Er, Brookstone? What gives?"

"Huh? Oh!" Cole grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. "Uh, good news Kai! I know what happened to your shampoo."

"I have a feeling that there's bad news attached to that good news," Jay predicted.

Cole's smile grew even more sheepish. "Erm, yeah...see, the thing is, Mark took it. And he doesn't want to give it back."

Kai groaned in exasperation. Mark was one of Cole's "ghost" friends that, apparently, haunted Cole's bedroom in the monastery. And the guy was a certified asshole(Cole's words, though he had actually said 'butthole'). He was constantly screwing with the other ninja, stealing and hiding stuff and refusing to give it back until one of them did something humiliating.

"What does he want Kai to do this time?" Zane asked.

Cole's eyes glazed over again before he suddenly whipped his head to glare behind him. "Absolutely not! That's going too far man!" A beat of silence. "I don't care if it might be hilarious, I refuse to let Kai to that."

"What does he want me to do?" Kai asked, arching an eyebrow.

Cole shuddered. "Trust me you don't want to know—no, Mark! He's not doing that either! That's disgusting! And please watch your language." A beat of silence. "Ugh, you're worse than Kai when it comes to cussing. Seriously, where do you get that stuff?!" Another beat of silence. "Can't you just give back the shampoo? Why do you even have it, you hate water!" Beat of silence. "Ugh, you're the worst."

"Well?" Kai pressed.

Cole sighed. "Mark will only give the shampoo back if you bow down before him and declare him the Ultimate Green Ninja and dye a part of your hair green as a sign of solidarity."

"What?! No way!" Kai instantly cried even as Jay started cackling. "I'm not doing that!"

"Do it, do it!" Jay begged, laughed hysterically. "Oh man, that'd be funny as heck."

Cole shrugged helplessly. "Sorry Kai. Mark says he'll throw the bottle away if you don't do it."

Kai's eyes widened at the threat. "He wouldn't dare," he hissed. "That shampoo is expensive! And I won't get more until next month!"

"Perhaps we can find where Mark hid it?" Zane suggested while Cole tried to negotiate for the bottle's safe return.

"Aw, but that could take ages!" Jay whined. "Besides we have no idea where he even hid—whoa!"

The blue ninja yelped as Cole suddenly shot up and raced out the room, accidentally bumping into Jay and causing him to fall over. "Sorry Jay!" Cole called out from over his shoulder.

The others shared a look before following Cole. The black ninja raced into his room, quickly slamming the door behind him. Jay, Kai, and Zane waited outside, listening to the sound of Cole rifling through his things while shouting something at someone—probably Mark.

The door suddenly flew open, Cole falling to the floor as soon as it was fully open, something clutched in his hand. "Kai, catch!" He cried, tossing the object towards his teammate.

Kai reflexively caught it and cheered when he saw it was his missing tube of shampoo. "Where'd you find this?!"

Cole laughed as he slowly got up. "Mark hid it in my sock drawer," he replied, fixing his ruffled bangs so that they hid his forehead—and his scar—like usual. "He thinks that that's the ultimate hiding place for things." His eyes glazed over for a second. "Mark, it's literally the worst place to hide things. Just think: how many times do people go through their sock drawers?" A beat of silence. "Then maybe you should stop hiding things in there. Or better yet, stop stealing stuff." There were couple beats of silence before Cole laughed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I hate you too. And language."

The others shared another look before shaking their heads and smiling.

Yes, Cole was a little weird, and yes, Mark the "ghost" was annoying as hell, but that was okay.

Because Cole was their friend/brother. And they were more than willing to look past his quirks and accept him.

Because that's what friends do. 

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