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Sorry it's been so long, peeps. College and quarantine haven't been nice for fanfiction writing. But I made good on my promise to have a new chapter of this story in October! :D

Lemme tell you though: this chapter was a PAIN to write. That's because....well, I'll let you read first then rant later. 



Cole was kinda weird, but by now, Nya was somewhat used to it.

Heck, ever since she had been kidnapped by skeletons, her life had consisted of one weird event after another: evil snake people, dragons, warriors made out of indestructible stone ...honestly, Cole being able to see ghosts wasn't even that weird compared to that other stuff.

Except now it wasn't just Cole. Her brother, her honorary little brother, her boyfriend--heck, even her friend who was a freaking android (like, how was that even possible?!) had the ability to see the undead.

Nya was starting to suspect that this was--yet again--something that was strictly "boys only", seeing as whenever she brought the subject up with Kai, he would suddenly have somewhere else to be. And Jay wasn't much help either, with his rather long-winded stream of babble that didn't sound like anything related to how he was able to see ghosts.

Honestly, even after she had become the Samurai and proven herself to be a worthy fighter, Nya still felt like she was an outsider some times. She was "just a girl" who wasn't allowed to join in.

And, apparently, couldn't stop getting kidnapped.

"Unhand me you stupid garden gnomes!" she shouted, kicking at one of her captors.

The move was basically useless--the Stone Warriors were, as their name suggests, made of stone, and the kick didn't even phase the two that were dragging her off to who knows where. All they did was glare at her and say something that was probably insulting in their guttural tongue.

Nya groaned and blew a stray piece of hair out of her face. Struggling was getting her nowhere and the warriors' grip was too strong for her to simply break out of. What I wouldn't give to have one of the boys' Elemental Swords right now...

Stupid Elemental powers only choosing boys to be worthy of wielding them.

So. Not. Fair.

A gust of wind harshly blew in Nya's direction, messing up her hair even more and causing several of the stone warriors that were behind her to start yelling loudly.

At first, Nya had been flattered at the sheer number of warriors that had surrounded her. Finally, a villain that didn't think she was just a weak little girl! But then she had noticed that most of the warriors were not focused on her but were surrounding this... empty space.

The warriors apparently thought something was there (and that it was causing trouble), but every time Nya craned her head to look, she saw nothing.

It confused her and made her more than a little annoyed. Apparently an empty space was more threatening than her!

...though it was weird that most of the random gusts of wind were coming from that direction...

Nya gasped as she was suddenly shoved forward, almost falling to her knees. The warriors holding her growled at her and roughly dragged her along.

"Just you wait," Nya snarled, instinctively struggling. "As soon as I'm reunited with my friends and actually find something that will hurt you, you are going to regret ever kidnapping me!"

The warriors just looked at her and continued to drag her along.

Nya muttered a word that definitely wasn't ladylike under her breath.

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