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Here's a chapter from the main man--er, ghost, himself! :D

(eh, I'm kinda iffy on this chapter, but I decided to include it. If it's terrible, please tell me and I'll go back and edit it).


Cole was kinda a weird person, yet Morro still found himself being friendly with him.

Well, it didn't happen overnight. When Wu first brought Cole to the monastery, Morro had been haunting the place for countless years and instantly hated Cole just for being Wu's new student. Morro's hatred had increased exponentially when Wu gave Cole Morro's old room to use. And yes, while it was incredibly petty and childish, Morro couldn't help but feel betrayed when Wu allowed Cole to use his old room. It felt like Wu was replacing Morro with this kid, something that made Morro even more pissed at Wu.

So, he decided to do the only logical thing one could do in his situation.

He was going to scare Cole away from his room. Hell, maybe even from Wu altogether. Might do the brat a favor.

Morro had waited until dark, until he was sure that the intruder(for that was what Cole was--an intruder) was asleep before he entered the room(phasing through the wall of course--one of the few things that he kinda liked about being a ghost), ready to scare the living daylights out of the sleeping intruder.

So imagine his shock when the intruder was not only wide awake--reading a book, actually-- but looked dead at him and smiled at him as if they were old friends. He had introduced himself, and had even tried to make conversation.

Morro was stunned for several minutes before he finally came to his senses. He rudely(not that he cared) interrupted Cole and had basically ordered him out of his room. He had been fully prepared to scare and threaten Cole in order to get him to leave.

He was therefore shocked again when Cole apologized and immediately started to pack up his stuff, fully intent on leaving.

Not only did this ruin all of the fun that Morro had had planned, but it left the ghost very confused.

Morro hated being confused.

Pissed off, Morro told Cole to 'forget it' and promptly left the room, going up to the roof to brood for a while(and he wasn't sulking, he was the effing master of wind, he didn't sulk) and vowing to never talk to the intruder ever again.

But said intruder didn't really stop trying to befriend him. On the few occasions that Morro crossed paths with him, Cole would smile and wave at him. Which in turn made Morro scowl and flip him off before promptly leaving. Yet this never deterred Cole from being friendly towards the bitter ghost.

(Later on, when Morro asked him about it, Cole just shrugged and said, "There was just something about you that made me want to try and be your friend. Something just told me that it would be better for the both of us if we were friends with each other.")

Cole finally tricked(and yes, it was a trick, no matter what Cole said to deny that it wasn't) Morro into talking to him when he had caught the ghost watching him train. When asked what he had thought, Morro had rudely told Cole that he was butchering the training forms and that the people who had invented them were probably rolling over in their graves from intense shame. Instead of getting offended, Cole had commented on how Morro sounded like an expert and that maybe he could show him a few moves. Morro told him to piss off, he was not showing some newbie wannabe anything.

"Oh," Cole had said, looking rather disappointed. "Guess you're not such an expert after all. I mean, if you don't want to show me, a newbie wannabe, your moves, then I guess you weren't that great either..."

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