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Jay's turn! Sorry it's kinda short, I was kinda losing energy writing this. 

Also, one scene in this was inspired by a conversation with Alex-Fierro17 about a week ago....Alex, you know which one....hehehe....

Anyways....read on....


Cole was kinda weird, but Jay found it cool.

I mean, how awesome would it be to actually see and talk to ghosts?! While Jay was skeptical at first, after all of the pranks that had happened to Kai that couldn't really be explained, he had started to really believe that ghosts exist.

As time went on, the blue ninja got even more curious and started to pepper Cole with questions, most of which the black ninja was happy to answer.

The one question that he was very reluctant to answer, however, was how he was able to see ghosts. Cole usually got nervous whenever Jay asked him that. Usually he just pointed to the scar on his forehead and said that that was how he was able to see ghosts. But he refused to explain how it was he got the scar and he forbade Jay from trying to figure it out on his own. Even when Lloyd and freaking Kai(who didn't even believe that ghosts existed, come on!) started to see ghosts, they all refused to tell Jay how they came about that ability.

Jay was pretty disappointed. He wanted to see ghosts too! It wasn't fair.

Then, one day, Jay discovered that he could, in fact, see ghosts.

It was an accident really. Kai had kept complaining that there was a draft in the bedroom, yet no one could seem to find out where it was coming from. Wanting to help his bro out(and to get him to stop complaining) Jay volunteered to try and find out the source of the draft.

After a few minutes of fruitless searching, Jay decided to try something else. For the past few weeks, he had been working on a pair of goggles that used thermal imaging. He figured that it would be helpful at seeing in dark places or at night, but for now, it might help him find out where that draft was coming from.

Jay had just found where the source of the draft was(one of the windows had been left the slightest bit open) when someone behind him said, "Hey Jay. How's it going?"

"Oh! Hi Cole!" Jay chirped out, whirling around to face his teammate. "It's going really well! I just..."

The blue ninja trailed off, blinking in confusion. In front of him, he could clearly see Cole--a vaguely humanoid blob of orange with spot of red and blue here and there.

What confused him, however, was the other humanoid blob that was behind his friend. This blob, however, was purple and....seemed to be floating?!

"Er, Jay?" Cole's voice snapped the blue ninja from his astonishment. "You okay? What's with the goggles?"

"Huh? Oh! They're heat vision goggles!" Jay happily explained, turning off the heat vision and sliding the goggles up to his forehead. "I was using them to find the draft! But..." he frowned and sighed disappointedly. "I think they need a tune-up or something. Which sucks, because I just finished them!"

"What's wrong with them?" Cole asked.

"I don't know! They seemed to be working fine--I did manage to find and fix the place where the cold air was coming in--but when I turned to talk to you, two people showed up!"

Cole froze. "Two...people?"

"Yeah! Except one of them was purple instead of orange and it looked like it was floating! There's probably a glitch in the code. That or there's something wrong with the lenses..."

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