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Cole was kinda weird, but then again, what did Lloyd know about weirdness?

He was abandoned at school that was supposed to teach him how to be evil(just like his dad...), only for it to be discovered that he was a good guy. And not just any good guy, but the one who was supposed to defeat his father in a battle that would decide the fate of the world.


At first, Lloyd was excited. Being a ninja was cool! He could fight with cool powers and cool weapons and he learn to do Spinjitzu, which was super cool!

Except...he couldn't really control his powers, he was super clumsy with the weapons, and more times than not, his attempts at Spinjitzu left him very dizzy and lying on the floor in pain.

Not cool. At all.

His uncle and the others kept telling him to be patient, that everything would fall into place eventually. But he could see it in their eyes, hear it in their voices: there wasn't enough time for things to "eventually" fall into place. The Final Battle could happen tomorrow for all they know—and Lloyd could barely hold up his katana to fight with. Heck, he could barely fight with his hands and feet!

So here he was, way past his bedroom and long after the other ninja had fallen asleep, sneaking up to the roof of their really crappy apartment so that way he could train a little bit and maybe get a little better.

It was windy up on the roof, far windier than what Lloyd had thought it was going to be. He shivered and hugged himself, wishing that he had worn his green ninja gi or at least had brought his old hoodie with him. But he had feared waking up the others—he had almost woken up Kai, who was a notorious light sleeper, just by sneaking out of the room—so he had to settle with his sleepwear--his old black sweatpants and a blue t-shirt that used to belong to Jay and was at least two sizes too big.

Lloyd couldn't help but fear that most of his enemies would not die from his awesomeness but rather from how ridiculous he looked.

But he quickly shook it off. He was the Green Ninja, gosh darn it. It mattered not that his sleep shirt was listing to one side and exposing his right shoulder. It mattered not that he was still kind of puny for his age(stupid growth spurt being stupidly late...). He had awesome elemental powers! All should tremble before him!

With that confident inner monologue filling his brain, Lloyd brushed off the cold wind--which had steadily grown stronger in the few moments that he had been standing on the roof--and boldly took a few steps forward, intent on going through those fighting moves that Kai had shown him for CQC--

"AH!" Lloyd yelped and jumped back quickly, clutching at his right shoulder, which was currently screaming in pain. He felt blood leak out from the slash mark that had sliced through his shoulder and squeezed his eyes shut. He tried to tell himself that the Green Ninja shouldn't act like this--it was just a small(albeit random) cut, for goodness sakes!--but it was hard when the wound throbbed in pain and it felt like something was stabbing at his head and when he had no idea what had even caused the wound--

Then the headache abruptly went away and Lloyd was aware of someone cursing and ranting close to him.

"--didn't even see you, aw shit, Cole's gonna effing kill me! Screw the fact that I'm already dead! You better be alright, you little turd otherwise--!"

Lloyd looked up so that he could see who was talking....and screamed.

"G-G-G-GHOST!" the little ninja shrieked, stumbling backwards and away from the person who was glowing green and was partially see-through and floating in midair and oh First Spinjitzu Master, GHOSTS DO EXIST!

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