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I am beyond sorry that I took so long to update! School has been an absolute pain lately, and writers' block hasn't been helping. I'm not entirely happy with this chapter--it feels too rambly at times--but I've kept y'all waiting long enough.


This is a dream, Kai thought. This is some kind of dream that I'm going to wake up from soon...

But if the dull pain in his hand and the slight throbbing headache that he was currently feeling was any indication, then Kai was not dreaming. He was wide awake and currently kneeling on the bathroom floor at some unknown time at night.

Oh, and there was a ghost(an actual ghost, which should not exist, what the actual heck?!) that was currently cursing up a storm.

"Ohhhhhh, eff. Eff, eff, eff!" the ghost(!) shouted, his echoey voice increasing in volume with each f-bomb and his hands coming up to pull at his hair. "Not this shit again! I just got off the hook from the last time! Crap, Cole's gonna effing murder me for this!"

"Wait....aren't you already dead?" Kai finally managed to untwist his tongue. "And what do you mean 'just got off the hook from the last time'?"

The ghost paused in his ranting to scowl at the red ninja. "I know I'm already dead, it's kinda hard to miss! And about that second thing, I might have not been paying attention while training one night and may have accidentally scratched Pipsqueak's shoulder."

"Pipsqueak? Wait, are you talking about Lloyd? You hurt Lloyd?!"

"It was an accident, like I said! I--"

But Kai had stopped listening at that point. Angry that his little brother had gotten hurt because of this spectral being, he quickly leapt to his feet and aimed to punch the ghost in the face.

At least, he tried to. But the red ninja's fist just ended up passing through the ghostly teen's face. Unprepared, Kai stumbled and almost fell over.

"....did you really think that that would work?" The ghost asked before he let out a shudder. "Ugh, I hate having to phase through people. Soooo uncomfortable."

Kai scowled as he turned back around to face the ghost. "Who are you and why are you here?" he growled.

Rather than being intimidated by Kai's fierce look, the ghost(!!!!) almost seemed amused. He mockingly bowed and replied, "Name's Morro, but you know me as 'Mark'. Nice to officially meet you, Porcupine."

"My hair's not that spiky!" Kai instantly retorted, insulted. "And you didn't answer my second question. Why are you here?"

Mark--er, Morro--shrugged. "Do you mean here specifically or like just in general? If it's the latter, eff if I know. Far as I know, I should be in the Departed Realm--or the Cursed Realm, hell knows I've done enough bad things to end up there--but here I am. As for the former..."here, the ghost's expression grew dark. "You hurt Cole with your lies, so I decided to....teach you a lesson."

Despite himself, Kai winced at the reminder that he had hurt Cole's feelings. "Ok, I'll admit, I could have handled that situation better, I just....I didn't believe in ghosts. Don't. Don't believe in them. But then you're here and I'm seeing you and--gah!" Kai rubbed his temples as his headache came back with a vengeance. "Please tell me that I just hit my head really hard and that you're just a figment of my imagination."

"As hilarious as that would be, you're not dreaming Porcupine."

"Stop calling me that!"

"Hmmm, lemme think about that...nope!"

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