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A/N: So, this ENTIRE book is basically a rough draft as I am still learning Kirishima and Katsuki's personalities (along with everyone else). Ill do my best to make these as flawless as possible in the realm of grammar, but I have shitty eyesight so forgive me if there are mistakes.

I'm also going to ask all of you to throw any stereotypes you know of that involve blind people out the window. Act like they don't exist, because here they don't.

Chapter titles are from the song "Youth" by Daughter. And as of right now the outline for this book isn't done, I'm just posting the prologue to hype it up :)



He wasn't going to win.

Normally he always so sure of his victory, that he would prevail above the competition. And at first, he was sure of it. He observed as each competitor fumbled on stage from either feelings of uneasiness or just because they didn't practice enough. Even the ones that landed every jump and twist perfectly stood no chance against him.

But this kid...

... the emotion each movement of his body conveyed mixed with an even more emotional song, "Goner" by the band known as Twenty One-Pilots made him feel like he didn't stand a chance. It was the first time in his life that he'd ever felt such a thing and he didn't like it at all. Feeling anything else but confidence wasn't something he was comfortable with and in that moment, he felt anything but confidence. Insecurity. Knowing that someone was going to kick his crown away and probably never give him the chance to take it back because, after that night, they'd probably never see each other again.

The performance ended with the brat lying on the stage, his hand reaching out towards the crowd and as the final word of the song ended his body collapsed onto the stage. Lifeless. But not really.

Silence stretched all throughout the room and continued even as the young, raven-haired dancer stood, appearing to be disoriented. A wave of claps erupted moments later as he bowed, a smile splitting his face as what appeared to be tears slid down his flushed cheeks. The cheers and claps continued even after the brat moved backstage.

He lost. He knew he did. Even if he didn't nail everything perfectly, he knew the raven-haired kid would surely be an audience favourite. And it broke him. After all the years of practising relentlessly to be on that stage, to perform in front of those judges, just to have his rightful first place spot to be stripped from him like, so easily because he never stood a chance, made him rethink all the times he'd been told he was the best.

He ran away, pulled himself away from his mothers lose grip on his shoulders as the lights above the stage dimmed and those in the crowd began to clear out. He ran until his legs fell weak under the weight of his body. He crouched down wherever he was, not caring who saw, and raked his hands through his ash-blond mop of hair that he had tried so hard to tame before his performance. Tears of frustration pooled in the corner of his eyes, stinging them.

He couldn't cry.

He wouldn't cry.

Something to his left caught his eye. Another figure. Someone was standing on the... bridge? He hadn't realized it was a bridge until he lifted his gaze to find the railing and the calm water below. And the figure that caught his eye from before was on the other side of the railing, leaning forward with his eyes shut. On the other side, the safe side, sat a black dog with a harness on.

"I want to jump," the boy, who he recognized to be the same boy from before, said. The one with black hair who stripped his title away as undefeated. There was so much the ash blond wanted to say to him, unkind words that he wouldn't think twice about saying to anyone else, but alas, as he watched the boy keep himself from falling by holding onto the rail he found to be second-guessing himself. He never second-guessed himself.

He wasn't going to answer. Why would he? Why would he say anything to the person who stripped him of a title he had so desperately wanted to achieve--

"Why?" he asked despite having told himself that he wasn't going to fucking answer.

The boy smiled a sad kind of smile that would break almost anyone's heart, his smile followed by a disheartened shrug. "I'm losing something that I'll never get back."

What in the hell was that supposed to mean? His young mind didn't know what that meant, was he supposed to know what it meant? Or was he just looking to far into it? He didn't know.

"It's not worth it." That's all he could say. He wasn't sure if that was even the right thing to say in that situation.

"How do you know?"

"Because I just do." The boy on the railing had so much life before him, he looked to be as young as eleven. Were they the same age? He didn't know, he didn't want to know.




He walked off, leaving the boy to get himself on safe ground. He was angry with himself. He should have answered, he shouldn't have said anything. He should have ignored the boy, but then again how could he? How could he ignore someone who's on the verge of jumping off a bridge that was over a few small inches of water that would do litter to break his fall? He couldn't.

But what over through the anger was the feeling that he did something right. That brat was the only one who ever gave him a run for his money and if the one person who ever gave him a challenge were to suddenly vanish, well then who would be around to put him in his place? No one.

He was sure of one thing though, despite that boy being a great challenge to him, a challenge that he needed in order to grow, he absolutely despised him...

...though he couldn't deny that he found that small, sad smile to be something extraordinary.

Word Count: 1063
November 18, 2018

I hate it, not gonna lie. But it's a rough draft. One big, messy rough draft



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