We are the reckless, we are the wild youth

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Chapter Ten•

Katsuki never thought anyone could be that happy, could smile so wide like that without their cheeks burning, could laugh so loud and have so much life in their eyes. It was such a strange sight to see; everyone in the stadium had these looks. These looks that said something he had never felt before. And out of everyone, out of all the thousands and thousands of people screaming and smiling and crying, out of their friend group Kirishima was smiling the brightest, laughing the loudest. He almost looked thankful, like this big thing had been pulled off his shoulders and he was able to let out this breath he had been holding for so long and Katsuki wanted to know what that meant. He wanted to know why he looked the way he did.

It would be a lie for him to say he wasn't feeling the slightest bit of ecstasy. Being there, hearing the music through large speakers and not his headphones and seeing them in person, it was a feeling that couldn't ever be replaced. And it's something he'd never dare to say out loud to any soul ever, but he wouldn't want to be there with anyone else. It would've been boring otherwise.

He didn't know when the concert ended or when the music stopped ringing in his ears or when they got back into the van or when the euphoria ended, that is if it even ended to begin with. Or when they sat down at some restaurant with these fancy porcelain plates, forks covered in a slick layer of polished silver, and tables made out of white marble with these black plush chairs and these strange dishes with discoloured garnishes being severed, which were clearly out of their price range. The entire place looked like it costed more than what all of their parent's had made during the years they've been alive.

And then he started to ponder: how the fuck were they going to pay food like that? How did they even get in looking the way do? Surely a place like that would have a dress code. Their simple everyday wear of ripped jeans, sweaters, band t-shirts, and beanies did not fit the aesthetic of the place. The people, waiters and customers alike, looked expensive. Plum coloured dress, diamonds and pearls hanging from their ears, tuxedos without any wrinkles, watches that could pay their mortgages for several months, and the way those people carried themselves just screamed: "I'M RICH AND YOU'RE FUCKING POOR".

"Don't worry bro," Kaminari said, waving his hand in dismissal as he looked down at the menu, eye scanning over all the words and Katsuki could see them widen for a brief second as he found the prices. Panic crept on the edge of his features, close to taking over his face. He looked back at Katsuki and gave a sly smile. "I've got it taken care off."

That statement alone was enough to set off all the alarms in his brain because no sane person would believe that idiot when he says he's "taken care of" anything. During the short time he's known him, he's been able to deduce that Kaminari is absolutely, without a doubt, an idiot. He didn't have a plan and Katsuki was almost as positive as a pregnant woman that the blonde lacked the money required to pay for a meal large enough to feed them all. He probably couldn't afford the fork he was going to eat with.

"Are you sure dude?" Kirishima asked. Concern laced his tone, his eyes pointed the direction he heard his friend's voice come from. He could tell by the way Katsuki asked that the place was expensive.

"Yeah. No need to worry."

Speculation still shined behind Kirishima's eyes, but he gave a nod and like a moth to a flame, his eyes were drawn to one of the two chandelier-style lights hanging above their table. Katsuki had asked about that once, why Kirishima's eyes stuck to light the way they did. My brain sorta craves the stimulation. But then there's the drawback of having sensitive eyes. If my eyes can latch onto light without it burning them, they will do it in a heartbeat.

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