...when you broke my chest

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•Chapter Twenty Five

Kirishima woke to a text on his phone. Five simple words.

From: Katsuki
We're going to the aquarium.
Received at 6:47 AM

He sat up, yawned, and rubbed his eyes with one hand as his fingers fumbled around the warm screen.

To: Katsuki
Isn't it closed today?
Sent at 8:34 AM

From: Katsuki
Don't worry about it. Be ready at noon.
Received at 8:35 AM

Katsuki didn't askーhe demanded it. Kirishima didn't need to hear Katsuki's tone to know the text was a demand, and while he wasn't complaining about hanging out with Katsuki, he didn't know how about the total lack of... a question? It was a very Katsuki thing to do, but they were dating, right? Wasn't Katsuki supposed to ask him out on a date, not demand it?

Wait, they were dating, right? What the hell, Kirishima didn't even know. Was it a date? He assumed as much, given the fact that confessions were given and Katsuki might've kissed him. He wasn't entirely sure about that either. Fuck. He wasn't sure about anything anymore.

Kirishima navigated to the group chat Mina, Kaminari, and he were in. His finger slid over all the options at the top of the screen, stopping at the phone icon. He pressed it and listened to the steady rhythm of the ring. They were probably sleeping.

"Hello?" a sleepy voice answered. Mina. She always pulled through.

"Mina?" Kirishima said.

"Yeah? What's up, Kiri? Is something wrong? You never call this early..."

"Oh? Yeah everything's fineー"

"Who decided to call me at the ass crack of dawn? I need my beauty rest," an irritated Kaminari interjected.

Damn. He woke both of them up. Guilt washed over him in an instant, his face flushed with heat as his stomach churned. Honestly, it was a stupid reason to wake them up, but he knew both of them had some fashion sense to an extent, especially Mina, so he wanted to ask them if they'd be willing to help him pick out his clothes. Any other day he wouldn't have minded throwing something together. Today wasn't like any other day, thoughーit was his first date, if it even a date. He was going to be with Katsuki. Alone. And unlike every other time, it was going to be different because it wasn't for practice or to study. They weren't going as friends, but as boyfriends...

...right? God, he still didn't know. How was he supposed to know? All of this, the kissing and the going on dates and the confessing was all so new to him. Never in his life had he done any of it before. Well, he kissed that girl that one time and he didn't feel too strongly about it, so he doesn't count it. Kissing someone as an experiment is vastly different when compared to kissing someone you actually want to kiss, especially when it's the person you like.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you guys up. Maybe we can talk in a few?" He suggested and readied himself to hang up.

"Nonsense Kiri," Mina reassured. "I'm already up, right? We might as well talk." A short pause followed by shuffling. "And Kami, you douchebag, no amount of beauty sleep will help that mug of yours. It's also not the asscrack of dawn. It's like... what? Almost nine? You got your sleep. Now Kiri needs our help, be a good friend."

There was a groan from Kaminari's end of the phone, and then more shuffling. "Fine... only because Kiri is my bro. And you may say my face in a mug, but someone happens to like this mug."

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