But I'm forever missing him

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They fell in and out of love, not with each other, but with others.

They tried to stay in touch, but as time went on their lives became busy. Late-night talks calm to a halt, missed calls turned into unread texts and eventually, those stopped. The days became full.

The years moved on, chugging forward.

One's mother got sick five months after the move, and she didn't live to see the sixth. He thought back to him, wished he was there to consult him, and realized perhaps he needed to let go.

One graduated high school, he stopped being so angry and went on to win win win. Always. He went on T.V., showed the world he was more than just a scared boy.

The other never stopped dancing but paused his passion to get surgery on his eyes, to be gifted with a small amount of sight, and later opened up a dance studio for the disabled.

They never forgot each other, never forgot the magic they felt during the few months they had together that kept getting pushed further and further back.

I must keep going, one would tell himself.

Just breathe, the other would whisper.


It was his first time on a plane. It was his first time ever leaving the state. He gazed out the small, oval window at all the men working on the ground below, tossing bags so carelessly onto a conveyor belt that carried them up into the belly of the plane. Within the glass of the window, he could see his own reflection, a fact that was still so unreal to him. The surgery that restored some of his sight was years ago, meaning he'd been seeing himself in mirrors or windows of shops as he passed by them for years, he'd seen his spiky, fiery red hair and lava eyes and tan skin so many times before, and yet, it boggled and scared him every time.

To be able to see, again. Well, see was a term he used lightly. He could see, but depth perception still wasn't a thing he knew, and his world was bleak, mostly masked in blacks and greys and whites but he did have a sense of colours and what they meant. He couldn't see clearly passed an outstretched hand without the support of glasses, and even then he still had to sometimes squint to read or see far away things. But to be able to see. To be able to have visual memory.

One of his students had entered an out of state dance competition, and after the little girl begged him to go watch, he caved and booked a ticket. Riot was ecstatic. He'd never been on a plane before either. Everything was so new to both of them.

"Hey," he heard. He averted his gaze from the window, flicked his eyes around the aisle and rows upon rows of seats, squinting. His name didn't come again. He snickered at himself, at his imagination, and went to turn back to the window only for more words to pull his attention.

He stood up, careful to not disturb Riot, and blinked back the bright lights. A figure was closing in on him. Closing closing closing until it stopped right before him. Until the blurry blob of colours became more refined, more clear. More beautiful.

Features he remembered being told about. Features he had done his best to try and envision. Features he dreamed of seeing.

Dazzling eyes setting ablaze everything they gazed upon, deep pools of lava that bubbled and moved. Ash-blonde hairstyle into a spiky mop. Fair, pale skin that looked just as smooth as he had remembered it to feel. Thin pink lips he recalled being so soft, being so sweet, saying such vulgar words. A scar, light pink skin that stood out against his pale complexion, and was shaped like a jagged lightning bolt.

A face he used to hold in his hands and kiss.

Arms that used to wrap themselves around his waist and fingers he used to intertwine his fingers with.

The face belonging to the boy who captured his heart, flipped his world upside down, and gave him a note that he carried with him, the same note that he had in his pocket right then and there.

A face he dreamed of seeing.

Time stopped.

they had a theory

maybe it wasn't written in the s t a r s

or in the distant worlds

it all came down to c h a n c e and l u c k

perhaps it wasn't even that, but their atoms instead

that were together the moment the universe opened it's burning eyes

Thrown across existence

                searching for millennia

                                w a n d e r i n g f o r e o n s

in search of something


mindless attoms


towards each other

taking an entirely new form


two people

and reunite once again at the touch of lips

when the universe died

it was destined to start again

with a kiss

certainly not d e s t i n y

      maybe pure attraction of matter

               or even the way the universe listened.

"Kirishima," he said. His mouth wide open, eyes searching and dancing, and his world filling to the brim with a love he had never forgotten.

Time stumbled back into place. Everything around them reformed, creating the rows of empty and full seats, the passengers made of bone and flesh and heart.

he inhaled

counted the seconds

1 2 3 4 5 10

he exhaled.

"Katsuki," he breathed. One more time. "Katsuki."

Certainly not fate or destiny.

Perhaps it was pure attraction of matter, but he liked to believe it was the way the universe listened. 


Word Count: 971
Total Word Count: 98,062
March 30, 2020

i started writing this at the end of 2018, just before i turned 17. im 18 now and when i look back on the first chapters i cant help but cringe. it's crazy how my much writing evolved and developed in the span of this one book. i like to hope i got better.

this is my first kiribaku but most certainly not my last. i have many i'm working on, most of which are being aided by my boyfriend so expect those.

thank you to those of you who have been here since the beginning; you guys looked beyond the shit writing and i appreciate that so much. and thank you if you came at the end or come many months and years from now. it truly means the world.

i hope you all take a chance on my other books as well💕

thank you.



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