'Cause most of us are bitter over someone

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•Chapter Twenty Seven

There isn't much I can do besides wish you the best, and tell you how damn proud I am of you. This is an experience you'll never forget, Kirishima.

Those few words were all Kirishima's therapist said to him when he announced that Katsuki had asked him to prom, that he had said yes, or something that came close to yes. He failed to mention that his train of thought had escaped him in that moment. Such a small detail she didn't need to know.

On his way out, she squeezed his shoulder and told him, "You'll be okay. I can't wait to hear all about it."

Now he stood in his living room, two women gaping at him over the news he broke to them. One of them placed something in his hand, a cylinder-shaped object that was soft and smooth. A wad of cash. Kaminari and Mina were on there way over; the three of them had plans to go suit shopping, dress shopping for Mina. In theory, they weren't really going shopping, just browsing to get a feel for what they did and didn't want.

Mina and Kaminari whisked Kirishima away in Mina's truck after they showed up, both excited to finally have Kirishima going with them. The fear of the crowd, of the loud music blocking out one of his most important senses, of getting stuck inside his own head, always held him back and kept him from going to prom with them. He was still hesitant, still unsure of it all. Buying a suit seemed so official in a way, like it was confirmed.

"So," Mina began from the driver's seat, "Do you know what Katsuki is wearing?"

"What? Why?"

"You guys should match, duh. It's like... law," she told him with conviction like it was an absolute fact.

"Jiro and I are planning on matching. Yellow and black," Kaminari added.

Kirishima pulled out his phone and opened Katsuki's chat, scrolled through all their messages until he came upon a photo, one of the only ones Kirishima has ever gotten from Katsuki, and handed the phone to Kaminari. It was passed onto Mina, the speed of her driving slowing down greatly as she took in the photo. Katsuki was dressed in a dark blue vest, white flowers blooming from sides, creeping up and disappearing just before they got to his chest. Underneath was a deep crimson shirt, the cuffs rolled up, exposing Katsuki's forearms. A black tie was neatly tucked under the vest, and his pants were a deep blue like the vest.

Mina let out a small gasp and handed the phone back to Kirishima.

"He's very handsome, Kirishima. I have half a mind to snatch him from you," she joked. "I know exactly what we're going to look for. Both of you will blow everyone away."

Riot wasn't with him that day. Kirishima decided to leave him at home, to give him some time to rest because he always worked, and took a cane with him instead. Following the sound of his friend's voices, he tapped the cane from his left to his time, taking confident steps. Kaminari grabbed Kirishima's elbow once they crossed the parking lot and walked through the automatic sliding doors of the mall.

They drove nearly two hours to get there. All for a couple of suits and a dress they would wear only once. A wave of warm air encased him, the rush of voices and soft music crashing into him. It took him all but a moment to understand why Kaminari had grabbed his elbow when they entered the building; Kirishima never fared too well with such crowded yet open places, and Kaminari knew this all too well. Too many times, he saw Kirishima panic too many times, watched him fold in on himself over and over again, witnessed him try to do the things he and Mina were capable of doing, like going out in overly crowded public places. He wished way too many times to be able to assist Kirishima, to reassure him. Now was that time. He could be the friend he always strived to be.

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