From the perfect start to the finish line

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•Chapter Four


On his way home that day Katsuki could feel something bubbling, stirring in the pit of his stomach, anger and something else he couldn't understand, and he held them in long enough for him to travel from the school to his home. Those feelings were directed towards his father who sat in his reclining chair with his eyes heavy-lidded after a long day of work. Katsuki hadn't expected his father to be home before he was so all the things he wanted to say and ask weren't lined up in his mind properly so he had to wing it, or come up with something within the span of a few seconds.

He tossed his bag onto the floor and obstructed his dad's view of the television as a way to say, "we need to talk".

It took his dad several long seconds to register that his son was in front of him for he was exhausted after working for more hours than he would have liked and the lack of sleep he received the night before. He wasn't in the mood for talking, just sleeping.

"Old man," Katsuki said. His brows knitted together in a scowl and his eyes narrowed into a hard glare. "Did you know?"

The tired man rubbed his forehead with the palm of his hand and slowly pushed the footrest of the recliner down so he could sit up properly. "Know what?" he asked, turning his gaze upwards towards his son's angry face, a sight he was used to seeing by that point. He was close to forgetting what his son's face looked like when he was content or smiling because all he ever saw was a look of anger or something along the lines of a resting-bitch-face.

"Did you know about him? Shitty Hair." His dad seemed to not know who that was. "Kirishima? The kid you so desperately wanted me to partner with?"

He could see everything click behind his dad's tired eyes, his brain working and remembering the kid his son was talking about. "What about him?"

"He's blind. Did you know?"

The surprise in the older man's face was more than enough to give Katsuki the answer he was looking for: his dad didn't know. Maybe he did know and he was trying to get Katsuki to work with him out of pity and he was simply playing him the whole time? That didn't seem likely though... his dad's expression told him a different story.

"I wasn't aware."

As the last word left his lips, Katsuki and turned on his heels, marching down the short hallway to his room where he slammed the door shut aggressively. He ran a hand through his ash-blonde hair. So many thoughts swarmed his head...

Was he a bad dancer for getting beat by the redhead? Or did his family pay a fuck ton of money to rig the contest so he'd win? No, Katsuki watched his dance that night; he clearly harbours some sort of talent. He didn't know what to think or how to feel or how to move forward with the new information.

Oh fuck. Practice. How's that going to work if Shitty Hair can't see? Will someone else be there to help them along the way or are they going to be left to fend for themselves? They weren't going to win, no way in fucking hell. There were too many obstacles in their way... way too many and overcoming them seemed like a long shot. He didn't want to get onto the stage only to make a mockery out of himself.


Katsuki collapsed onto his bed and stared at the blank ceiling, trying to wrap his mind around everything while simultaneously trying to come up with a plan that might or might not work depending on how the events within the coming day play out. Backing out seemed like a viable option the more he thought about it, but he wasn't a quitter. His mom had taught him to push through the difficulties in life because giving up gets you nowhere and teaches you nothing at the end of the day. All the obstacles in life are learning experiences.

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