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I recently graduated from High School and honestly things are going better than i expected. High School was hell. Don't get me started on how corupt the educational system is because i can go on for hours.

I registered into college, had my classes picked, my financial aid finished, and my transportation taken care of. I was going to get my generals done then my bachelors in Pre-Vet then go on to Vet school. I was ready.

I thought... Literally two weeks before the first day of school i admitted to myself that it didnt feel right. Of course i was scared everyone is. But it was more than that. I cant explain it better than my heart and gut both told me "no". 

So I did the one thing that made everyone on the planet who didnt go to college face palm and shake their heads.

I cancelled all my classes...

My family was very suportive...well kind of. They told me it was ok and they understood. but my mother who went back to school at 45 years old was clearly against it. I asked her and she said she supported me in anything i did. I was scared.

She still tells people im going to go to vet school even thoughbefore i changed my mind she told no one because she said "plans change, dont get peoples expecations up"

But i dont want to be a veterinarian. I love animals more than anything and the salary would be stable. But I want to do more, I want to help the animals who need help not the ones in loving enough homes to take them to the vet. I want to help the ones who have never seen a vet in their life.

Yes, I threw away (temporarily) my college education to be a charity worker. 

As of now I am working a full time job that I love and in my spare time building animal beds and kennels to sell online in hopes to make a buisness that will later turn into my own animal shelter. One with cute kennels and beds so the animals who dont get adopted still feel loved and cared for. 

I have it really good right now. Life after High school isnt as bad as they make it seem. As long and you are prepared. I didn't think I was prepared because I had no scholarships, bad grades, and bad attendance. 

But I had a job, a resume, knew how to respectfully talk to a boss, how to work hard, how to manage my money, how to research things before perusing them, how to do my laundry, drive, and most importantly I had my family.

All of those things I learned outside of school. Sure school helped but doing things on my own was what prepared me. 

 So if anyone reading this is worried about life after High School, get a job and keep it for a year at the least. No matter how much you hate the people, the hours, and the pay. As long as you are mentally and physically ok with the job, keep going. You will learn so much. And work hard!! I had a boss I didn't even know sad when i quit my job because they had heard how hard i worked. Be that person! Smile at customers, ask if you can help every person you see. I can tell you now, most of the time no one will notice. But you will, and when you are proud of yourself you will repeat the process and it will be seen. 

I once helped 6 customers at once and I thought they all hated me because I was taking so long. But I found myself with them and other customers surrounding me and thanking me for being the "best employee they had seen". I cant put that on my resume, but I can put the recommendation of the boss who noticed it and rewarded me for it. 

This has turned into a ranting about working in retail but my point is High School is important but it is not your life! Dont let the councilors who told you it was out of reach or the CTE teachers tell you that without a certain skill you will fail in life push you into doing something that you arent happy with. 

Who knows maybe I will end up becoming a veterinarian, Maybe I will be homeless telling kids to stay in school, or maybe i will be a successful buisnesswoman who changed the way shelters are managed around the world and brought down the number of shelter pets saving lives. 

So if you are reading this just know that you can make it in life no matter what your past is, and that you should adopt not shop!!! And go to my etsy shop QuincysPlace!

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