1 Police Investigators

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Characters: Tyler, Nogla, Evan


Evan and Tyler perk up as they heard the third person in their group exclaim.

"LOOK AT ALL DA BLOOD!" Nogla finished his sentence as the other two physically trip from abrupt disappointment.

"What the hell, Nogla!" Tyler yelled as he wheezed out a laugh.

"Yeah! I thought you found something cool, but no it was just blood!" Evan followed up as he chuckled from his spot in the living room.

The three investigators were called in to analyze the bloody and disorganized apartment belonging to a single man, an artist, in his mid 30's. Said man was found, but not in one piece. Body parts were spread throughout the multi-room apartment in places that would have hidden them from unprofessional eyes had it not been for the scent of iron depicting their location. The only part of the body that was in plain sight was the head, placed on top of a headless mannequin.

Evan, having better smell and sight than the other two, physically got sick at the gruesome death. It was obvious someone had it out for the artist. He pondered the many possibilities that could have led to this outcome; revenge, boredom, annoyance, pure hatred, paid kill, bad luck, envy, competition, maybe even to show off their ski-

"Ev! Come look at this real quick." Tyler called from the bedroom. Evan trudged his way over to his fellow investigator to see what he found. Tyler was kneeling down next to the bed with a box in from of him. Evan braced himself for anything that could happen next.

Knowing that his two partners were absolute idiots on a mission didn't ease his nerves.

"What did you find-" Evan asked only to stop himself upon laying his eyes on the object Tyler was holding. By the uneven breaths and spasms his friend was having, he was having a grand time discovering the victim's... Interests.

"hA- I can't BREATHE!" Tyler wheezed as he fell backward, still holding onto a relatively newly bought 'toy'.

"Tyler. Deadman, murder scene, work. Did you forget already?" Evan asked as the man in front of him rolled around on the ground laughter and wheezes spilling out of him. Nogla hearing the loud and obnoxious laughs of his friend came rushing in from the other room to see what happened. Once he took a look at what Tyler was holding, he also burst into laughter and fell to the ground. Evan watched as his partners rolled in the ground, dying from laughter. He rubbed his temples before continuing his search through the bedroom.

Tyler and Nogla eventually ceased their laughter and proceeded to investigate the other "tools" in the victim's cabinet. They giggled as they dug through multiple boxes and judged the poor man's taste in fun. They stopped joking around when they spotted a piece of paper at the very bottom of the box. Tyler took it out and glanced at Nogla.

"Hey Ev, we found something," Tyler called out to the youngest.

"What did you find in that box that's so important?" Evan asked skeptically as he walked over to them.

"Let me read it! Ahem. 'Today's victim was interesting. Herald Devek, also known as Herald te wreck.' Wow. For a murderer, tis dude is really childish. 'Tanks to a certain someone, te job was quick 'nd easy. Time fo' te next one!' Well damn. Tis dude has friends!" Nogla exclaimed as he looked at Evan and Tyler with wide eyes.

"Of course he does... If he has friends, that just means we'll have to find them all at one point or another." Evan said rubbing his chin.

"Great. More work for us then." Tyler groaned as he stood up. "I don't want to stink of blood, so let's leave this joint."

"Ye, let's get out of 'ere." Nogla said as he followed the other policeman out the room. Evan was about to follow the two when he felt a shiver run up his spine he turned toward the window. He narrowed his eyes as he scanned the rooftops, sidewalks, alleyways, and streets.


He shrugged it off and followed his friends out of the apartment, an uneasy feeling remaining within. From across the street in an abandoned room, piercing blue eyes gleamed as it watched the raven head leave the room. They glanced down to the street at the police car and continued to watch as the raven head hopped into the police van with the other two. A giggle escaped the mysterious person as red and blue lights faded into the distance.

"My, my, my... Such a pretty doll that one is. Smart too by the looks of it." He said as he turned to the being next to him.

"Evan Fong works as part of the police force as an investigator and sometimes front lines. His partners are the two with him, Daithi de Nogla and Tyler Wilde. Though they are only called in when absolutely necessary seeing as they are rather... Irresponsible. Evan was originally put in charge of the two because he's level headed, but now he's the only one who can put up with them and they'll put up with him." The being said as the blue-eyed figure nodded.

"I know my next target then. I'll be seeing you soon, Evan."

To be continued...?

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