3 Students

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Characters: Nogla, Ohm, Tyler, Evan, Delirious, Anthony, Brian, Brock, Luke, Scotty, and Marcel

"Jonathan! Time to wake up! You don't want to be late on your first day do you?" A mother's loud voice called out to the sleeping figure buried beneath blankets and pillows. Jonathan groaned as he poked his head out of the covers.

He crawled out of his bed and stretched his stiff body. He yawned as he made his way over to the connected bathroom. His morning routine consisted of brushing his teeth, brushing his hair, taking a quick bath, and deciding what clothes to wear that day. Though his choice in clothes was restricted due to the dress code of the school he went to.

Speaking of which, Jonathan beamed in joy as he realized that he would be starting his school life in the BBS Academy within the next few days. He still had to go get an assigned room in the dorms. He dreaded having to be paired with a delinquent or someone he would hate. That's always the case of students when they get their dorm room late.

First come first serve after all.

After making sure he had everything packed and ready, he made his way to the dining room where his breakfast lay waiting. His mother was already eating her meal and grinned as he reached his food.

"Look at my boy! All grown up and going to an academy for big shots! If only your father were here to see you off... Unfortunately, he was called in for an overstay at the lab." His mother gloated as she pampered her only son. Jonathan laughed and ate his breakfast in peace with his mother.

He soon finished his food and wanted to help clean, but his mother practically pushed him out of the house saying that he shouldn't worry about the small stuff anymore. Jonathan gave his mother one last hug before heading off to the train station.

When he entered his compartment on the train, he found someone already inside. It seems he has a partner for the ride. The person was looking out the window in a sleepy daze, not noticing Jonathan entering. He couldn't tell the gender due to them wearing a jacket. Jonathan didn't know if he should have introduced himself or not but he decided it would be fine.

"Hey there!" Jonathan brightly greeted. The other, a boy now that he looked carefully, turned around abruptly, startled by the sudden greeting. The boy was wearing a light grey jacket with bunny ears and had brown hair that looked like melted chocolate in the light of day. However, the thing that caught Jonathan's attention was the blindfold with an omega symbol on it. He blinked and processed the situation while the other tried to converse but panicking.

"Uh- Er- I... Um..."

"Oh! I'm sorry. My name is Jonathan, but you can call me Jon." Jonathan said as he took a seat across from the other. The bunny boy seemed to calm down and grinned at the boy.

"Hi! I'm Ohm. It's nice to meet you, Jon!"

"So Ohm, what brings you to this train ride?"

"I'm actually headed to school right now... We have to live at the academy's dorms as a rule, but since it's still a few more days till school officially starts, I decided to take the time and hang out with my family."

"Does that mean you go to BBS Academy as well?!"

"Yeah! Are you heading there as well?"

"Yep! I'm barely gonna get assigned a room, but I just hope I don't get a bad roommate. That's all I can hope for at this point."

"Hey, maybe you'll get one of my friends! I know a friend who hasn't gotten roommate yet, but he said something about a mistake, so I'm not sure if he still doesn't have a roommate. It would have been great if you were his roommate, Evan is pretty chill after all."

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