2 Teachers

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Characters: Nogla, Ohm, Tyler, Evan, Delirious, Anthony, Brian, Brock, Luke, Scotty, and Marcel

Welcome to B. B. S. Academy! Here you'll find the best teachers and a great campus that will fit your needs. There are over 2000 students that you'll grow to know and maybe befriend most of them! I hope you enjoy this school year!


Students lazily woke up from their night's rest and got ready for their day. The dorms slowly came to life as more and more students woke up. Today starts the first day of school. Some of the new students were jumping from excitement to start going to their classes while the older students groaned in depression.

"Who do you have first?" A female student asked her friend. The other friend shrugged as they pulled out their schedule.

"Art with Mr. Hanby. You?" They said.

"Lucky! He's so funny and nice, you'll love him. I've got English with a temporary sub. His name is Smitty."

"You mean the prediction master?"

"Yep! The one and only, hehe."

The first bell rang as students headed to their first class of the day. Some cried as they dragged themselves to history with Mr. Wilde. The man was alright, but he had some crazy temper issues. Seeing that it was the first day back to school, it was expected that he was cranky.

"Alright! Listen here, you dumbasses. I don't want to be here anymore than you, so what we'll do is this. I'll give you a pop quiz just to see where everyone's at right now. If you fail, then too bad so sad. I'm not going to be any easier than any year before, so don't you dare think of cheating. You may start now." Tyler said as he sat at the front of the class. His electrifying blue eyes glared at everyone as they took the test in front of them. A knock came at the door and Tyler grumbled as he opened the door.

There stood one of the kindest teachers on campus. His brown hair sat on his head in a messy yet groomed style, his soft brown eyes looked at Tyler apologetically, and his colorful tank top and blue pants popped out. It was Brock, the biology teacher.

"Hey Tyler, do you have any extra markers I could borrow?" He asked as the taller man sighed. Tyler grabbed a few expo markers and passed them to the brunette. Brock smiled as he thanked Tyler before glancing at the class.

"Pop quiz on the first day again?" Brock asked raising an eyebrow. Tyler only shrugged as he fell back into his chair.

"I'm too tired for this sh- crap," Tyler said, changing his word use with one look from Brock. Brock laughed as he left the class to suffer.

Brock returned to his class with the extra markers and proceeded to do activities planned for that day. He had everyone pair up with someone that they don't know and had to introduce their partners to the class. This continued until the bell rang, signaling the end of that class period. Everyone started to head to their second class of the day.

"Ughh... I don't wanna go to math!" A student complained as they slugged their way down the hall. Their friends laughing at the clear misery displayed on their friend.

"Relax. Even though you have math, you at least have it with Delirious. He's like the best math teacher ever." One of the friends said rolling his eyes at the other's reaction.

"Really? Why is that?" A relatively new student asked.

"He might sound and act like a serial killer, but he's a chill and funny guy. Most of the time he's talking about games than actually teaching math. You still learn a lot from him though. I've heard everyone usually gets higher than 80% by the end of the year."

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