4 Family Restaurant

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Characters: Tyler, Evan, Brian, Nogla, Brock, Marcel, Anthony, Lui, Scotty, Kryoz, Smitty

"Order for 'Cutie'?" The extremely tall worker called out, unphased by the tricks of the customers over the period of time that he's worked at the small restaurant.

"Oh! That's me. Thanks for the compliment, hot stuff~!" The female customer said before picking up her cup of coffee and taking her leave. The worker sighed in exhaustion before turning back to the order stand.

"Hello! Welcome to BasicallyWrk's Family Restaurant! How may I serve you today?" Another worker with a messy brown Mohawk, a summer top, and blue pants addressed the new customers. He gave the two a warm smile that made the two feel comfortable.

"Uh, yes! We'd like a table for two... Please, and thank you."

"Of course! If you would please follow me."

"Here you go, Tyler. An order of an affogato with a side of buttered croissants. Specifically, 3 croissants. For table 5." A shorter Asian man said passing the order sheet to the worker at the order stand. The tall worker nodded and clipped the paper to the awaiting string of orders. There were currently 2, now 3, orders.

"I'm telling ya it's half 'n half! Not t' at shite!" An angry Irish voice yelled from the kitchen.

"T'e order said 'Iced, Half Caff, Ristretto, Venti, 4-Pump, Sugar-Free, Cinnamon, Dolce Soy Skinny Latte'! Tell me wherein God's name does it say anyt'ing 'bout half 'n focking half?!" Another angry Irish voice followed shortly after the first outburst.

"Looks like they're at it again. Lasted only 3 hours without a peep from them; I think that's a record." The Asian man said chuckling as he watched his friend with a terrible fashion sense enter the kitchen with a deadly smile.

"B-brock! Hey t'ere! D-didn't see ya come in!"

"W-what are ye gonna do wit' t'at?"

"W-we could talk about t'is!"


"Dumbasses," Tyler said as Brock came back out smiling as if nothing happened behind the closed doors. Evan rolled his eyes and returned to serving the customers with Brock as Tyler started on the next meal.

"I'm back b*tches!!" A black man declared as he entered the restaurant followed by a smaller boy wearing a backpack.

"Yeah! You better be doing your work!" The boy said grinning as he made his way to the back rooms.

"Welcome back, Marcel. And it's good to see you again, Lui. How is school going for you?" The Asian worker said as he passed another ticket to Tyler.

"Evan! I missed you!! School sucks and so does everyone in it! Especially the teachers! I hate them so much!" Lui complained as he returned to the main floor. He took a seat on a barstool and lay on the counter watching as Evan washed the dishes. Marcel came back out and went over to the bar area and situated himself before he turned on the sign showing that the bar was now available. Some of the male customers immediately stood and made their way to the bar island and started ordering some stronger drinks than caffeinated drinks.

"Oh, has the newbie shown up yet? Anthony was his name. I think." Marcel asked to no one in particular. It was Brock who answered him seeing as he was the closest.

"I believe that Anthony is currently taking out the trash," Brock said with an off giving smile. Marcel glanced at Evan and Tyler who shrugged and gestured towards the kitchen.

"Ah. I see."

Marcel remembered when he first wanted to start up this business in the first place. It was all because of a stupid argument and dare that his friend Scotty had gotten him into. Marcel, Scotty, and a bunch of their friends had gotten together for a party. The two were drunk off their minds when they started talking about their current jobs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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