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After the class got over the shock of Mineta having an older brother, they started to bombard [Y/n] with questions. He smiled at their enthusiasm of wanting to get to know him but it was a little overwhelming. Holding out his hands to calm them down was unsuccessful so he just chuckled at their adorable nature but that didn't sit well with a certain tired teacher. Aizawa who having none of this scandal-especially in the morning- let out a deathly aura as he looked at his students. "Sit down, now." He commanded and automatically got a response from them as they rushed to their seats.

He tiredly sighed out, hair falling back down while he looked at the older Mineta. "Now Nezu already explained everything to me but please introduce yourself to the class." Aizawa was soon back inside his sleeping bag and proceeded to blink up lazily with a yawn before closing his eyes. [Y/n] snorted at the sight of the 'sleeping' teacher but soon focused on the class.

He coughed into his fist, crossing them both while he let out a loud laugh. "Well, as you know, I am Mineta [Y/n]. I graduated in America and was a short term assistant to a well known cocky billionaire." He grumbled, remembering the tasks he was put up to. Some were to just frustrate him and he knew it. He knew that they knew. "That's pretty much it besides the fact that I trained as hard as you guys in order to be an assistant here." He looked over the whole class once more before multiple hands shot up asking questions without even giving him time to pick on someone.

[Y/n] grumbled at this chaotic class, which he knew he was going to like overtime, then Aizawa spoke up again. "That's enough questions, we're starting class." Some groaned as he got out the necessary materials out of their backpacks. The assistant was looking around before standing next to the teachers podium, smiling at everyone and giving a huge grin to his brother. As Aizawa taught his lesson, [Y/n] took separate notes of a lesson plan he would like to give the kids.

Looking around the place, he took in that the classroom was plain and simple, nothing that made it stick out for the eye to catch. He snorted to himself since he knew that Japanese classrooms were different than American ones, the difference being that they allow the teachers to decorate their space. He came back from zoning out when he heard someone clearing their throat only to look over at Aizawa, a stack of papers in his hand ready to hand it over to him to give out to the already tired out class.

[Y/n] took the said stack of papers and proceeded to pass it out to the kids while the grump of the teacher explained the quiz they were about to take. The eighteen year old grimaced at the mention of the quiz and was glad he was done with school, laughing internally at these kids pain. "Good luck." and with that said the class became a collective noise of pencil scratching and strange grunts.


The bell rang signalling to everyone that homeroom was over. Aizawa proceeded to tell them about tomorrow then walked out. Everyone sighed out and stretched out tired limbs before the other teacher walked in. 'These poor kids are getting their brains fried.' The teen thought with a sigh, resting his chin on his closed palm while looking blankly at the clock. 'At least I get to see my little brother after so long..' he then hid his face as he snorted, thinking about how short his brother is now that he got a good look at him.

Lessons passed by and groans were heard along with paper shuffling and frantic scribbling of notes before the lunch bell finally rang. All the kids packed up their belongings before meeting up with their usual groups so they could walk to the cafeteria together.

Except for one grape kid, he waited for his brother to finish packing up so that they could go eat together. "Ready to go, shorty?" the older teased as he put his hands into his pockets, leaning against the door with a playful smirk. Minoru grunted at the tease before smacking his brother's leg, walking out the classroom with a small smile. "Don't forget that you were as short as me before you went to the states." he responded, pulling out a photo of the both of them wearing matching clothes. "I also can just spread this around." He laughed and sped away when he heard a choked gasp from behind him.

"That's foul play! Hey! Get back you, you purple ping pong!" [Y/n]'s angry frown changed into a smile. He was, in the first time of his life, glad he moved back to his home country. 'It really is good to be back here.' He thought as he chased after a laughing Minoru, laughing as he passed by the class he was an assistant to. "Try and catch me, beanpole!" Minoru yelled as he kept successfully dodging his older brother. He yelled out hurried 'excuse me's and 'sorry's but managed to get in the lunch line, hiding his whole body so that [Y/n] couldn't spot him.

Meanwhile, the class of 1-A were standing around in shock and in awe as they saw how joyful and innocent Minoru seemed to be, they would probably never get over this change but they knew it was for the better and they collectively thanked whatever God was out there that managed to make this improvement. "Damn, Minoru you slick fucker.." [Y/n] mumbled out but soon went to buy his own lunch and waited for his brother who finally showed up and they sat down together at an empty table.

"I-I never knew Mineta of all people could look so painfully innocent." mumbled Yaomomo, a hand resting on her cheek. She got a collective agreement from the girls before Mina smiled widely and wildly. "[Y/n] is attractive though, wouldn't you guys agree?" she stated more as a fact than a question. The girls either bashfully agreed or just ignored the question and ate their food. "Yeah, I even caught some of the guys looking at him!" Hagakure excited stated, earning shocked stares.

"Maybe this is a start of a classroom war." mumbled Jiro as she casually drank her soda.

They didn't know how right she was that day.

Lol I'm back and with a new chapter and shit, maybe I'll do the boy group's pov next chapter idk. Also sorry for disappearing for like, 10 years I promise to update as sooner as I can.

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