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The school bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Tenya signaled for everyone to stand, bow in thanks to the teacher, and they sat down again as they started to pack up their things. [Y/n] was playing some type of game on his phone, yawning as he grew bored and as the jet lag finally hit him in one go.

He was waiting for his younger brother to hurry up, so that he could finally, and actually, catch up as he got distracted earlier with the jokes and smartass comments that they threw at each other.

"Hey, grape head." He started out, smirking when Minoru playfully glared at him. "Hurry the hell up, or I'll just eat all the snacks I brought for you." He teased, throwing the middle finger back when his younger brother replied with said gesture. He jumped a bit in surprise when Kaminari popped up in front of him, looking at him with his puppy eyes and hopeful demeanor.

"Can I join in too?" He asked, wanting to be around for two reasons. Those reasons being the American snacks and the Japanese-American snacc called [Y/n]. The said 'snacc' blinked owlishly, looking for ways to gently turn him down and say that he still wanted it to be a blood bros only hang out but was shocked when Minoru came and smacked his leg.

"Yeah, why not? You've been a real pal Kaminari, so I'll be willing to share." He crossed his arms and nodded his head before looking over to the taller Mineta, giving him a thumbs up.

[Y/n] continued to blink owlishly before grinning, nodding his head along and looking at Kaminari.

"Why not, dude. Any friend of my brother is a friend of mine." He said as he put an arm around his neck to bring him in closer in a side hug kind of way. They started talking about other things while walking out the classroom, Kaminari looking over at his open mouthed classmates only to shoot them a smug ass grin. They soon instantly knew what he was doing and glared daggers at him as he turned his head to give the TA a sickly sweet and 'innocent' smile as the male excitedly chattered to them about America.

Mina whined as she slammed her hands on her desk, rising up with a pout and glare as she looked at the shut door.

"How dare Denki get to him before I could!" She crossed her arms and huffed but soon whined again and launched herself at Tsuyu who held her up, croaking a soft 'kero.' Jiro hid her smirk behind her hand, raising an eyebrow at everyone in the room.

"I told you it was going to start a war." She smugly said, earning wide eye stares or glares. She started playing with her ear jacks while whistling a small tune, pretending to be innocent. Don't get her wrong, she was pretty pissed that Kaminari made the first move, but she was also smug for the fact that she was right on what she said to the girls during lunch. Uraraka was still in shock before looking up at the other members of Dekusquad, gasping even more when she saw them in shock.

She waved her hands around in front if their faces, trying to snap them out of it before snapping her fingers at them. Todoroki being the first one to snap out of it as he looked down at his friend with a tilted head. "Is something the matter, Uraraka?" He asked, fixing his bag before looking at his other friends.

Todoroki didn't state his opinion in lunch because he was busy eating his cold soba, and he would rather not repeat what every else already knows. Though, seeing and realizing how Kaminari was close to both Mineta's lit a fire in him. But he was eerily calm about the situation. But he didn't fail to notice that others were on their way onto trying to woo the older Mineta, mostly Ashido and Kaminari, but still.

"Ah! No! It's just a shock to see you guys so...shocked, as well." She rubbed the back of her head before shuffling her feet, soon raising her fist in the air with a cheery look. "We should head to the dorms now!" Iida and Midoriya soon snapped out of it, looking towards their cheerful friend and nodded along. Iida was already fixing his glasses before bringing his hand down in his usual hand chop motion.

"Yes, of course! The weekend is always a good time to start on homework after all!" And soon they all walked out the door while chatting about random subjects. Everyone else were just as equally excited to start their weekend, making plans to either visit family for a day or just hang out somewhere else.

But this story aint about them.

Its about Minoru and [Y/n].

Kaminari and Minoru were sitting at the floor table, [Y/n] unzipping a backpack he brought and dumping out all the snacks he bought. Their eyes shone with hunger and gasped when the older male brought out two whole six packs of soda as well. "Bon appetite!" [Y/n] shouted, snorting when he saw both of them go ham on the snacks. He just calmly grabbed some spicy chips, opening the bag, and munching on them.

Minoru looked at his brother, grabbing one of the sodas and drinking at it, before pointing at the other bag behind him. "What's that?" He asked, raising a brow when [Y/n] gave them both a smirk. "Glad you asked, dear brother." he then grabbed said bag and opened it. Inside were movies that were only in America, or at least popular in America. And most of them were

"Horror movies!" Minoru excitedly said, taking out some dvd boxes and gaping at them. Kaminari tilted his head in a confused manner before looking over them as well, gasping when he saw the whole Insidious series. He took them out and held it out for the brothers to see. "Lets watch these ones!" Kaminari said, looking at them, mostly [Y/n], with puppy eyes. Minoru nodded rapidly before standing up, having two bags of unpopped popcorn in hands shouting about getting them more snacks and that he'll be back.

That left Kaminari alone with [Y/n], who was busy trying to see if his brother had a dvd player somewhere. Kaminari was nervous, he was alone with an attractive person after all. He wanted to talk to [Y/n] about something but he didn't know what. What if he said something dumb and embarrassed himself? What if his breath smells bad from the lunch he ate? What if—

[Y/n] turned to look at Kaminari, looking straight above his head at what he could only see. He saw that Kaminari's stats said he was nervous, which made him furrow his brows. He looked at the younger male and snapped his fingers in front of his face to get his attention. "You okay?" He asked, tilting his head with crossed arms. The human pikachu just nodded his head and looked away before shyly making eye contact. The older male didn't seem convinced but let it go since he didn't want the 'uncomfortable' stat to show.

Minoru showed up in time, with two bowls of popcorn and a big smile. He also brought along Sero, who had his own bowl of popcorn in hand and more drinks. "Sorry, I brought Sero along. He's cool or whatever." Said the grape before sitting down next to his brother and proceeded to help out with the dvd player [Y/n] finally found.

Sero looked over at Kaminari and proceeded to eat his popcorn, giving his buddy his usual grin. "You look tense." He teased, snickering when Kaminari playfully bumped him away. Both Mineta's finally got done with setting up the movie, finally telling the other two that they could watch the horror movie.

It was a fun time,

Until it wasn't.

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