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'I spoke too soon.' thought [y/n] as he let out a dramatic sigh. He looked over at his desk clock and saw that it was two in the morning yet he still wasn't done with organizing the lesson plans he was going to give. He groaned, rubbing his hands down his face before standing up abruptly. "Coffee break!" He shouted, running to his door but slowly opening it as to not wake anyone up.

He sneakily made his way to the kitchen, feeling around the wall for the light switch. Once he found it, he flicked it upwards and began his journey on looking for anything coffee related. Once he found the materials he needed, he started making his late night coffee. He hummed as the coffee machine made little 'vrr' sounds, watching the liquid pour out into his mug.

He drummed his fingers on the counter and quickly grabbed the coffee pot, hissing when he accidentally burnt himself with the small coffee drops. He poured it into his mug and took sips of it, not caring that his taste buds were burning as well. [y/n] soon remembered about his dad, smacking his lips with a pout when he remembered that his dad told him to send him a text soon after he landed and was safe in UA.


[y/n] jumped a bit and quickly turned around, making sure that his coffee didn't stain his shirt. He blinked owlishly when he realized that it was Aizawa, who looked tired and ready to go on patrol. He sighed out and held a hand out towards the coffee pot, getting a small 'please' and soon poured the tired teacher a cup as well.

"What are you doing up?" Aizawa asked, thanking him for the mug and sipping from it. He sighed in content from the flavor of the coffee.

"Well, I needed a small break from trying to plan the things I'm going to teach these kids." He answered as he set his mug down and leaned against the counter. Aizawa nodded in understanding before chugging his drink and walked over to the sink to wash his mug. He watched the teacher wash the mug before he turned off the water and wiped his wet hands on his hero uniform.

"Well try to get some rest, kid." He muttered before going out on his late night patrol. He just continued to drink his coffee before pouring out the left over bits over the sink. He proceeded to wash the mug as well and then went upstairs to continue his lesson plans. He sat down at his desk and groaned, slamming his head on the table just as soon as he saw how empty it looked. He lifted his head up and drummed his fingers on the surface, blowing away the strands of hair that got in his face.

He furrowed his brows in thought before gasping out, quickly starting to write down things that he thought were good for his teachings. He kept writing little bullet points for details and soon sat back, rereading his work carefully before nodding with a proud look on his face. Looking at the clock on his stand, he saw that thirty minutes passed and choked on his own spit. Quickly, he grabbed his towel and some spare clothes and headed to the baths to take a quick shower.

A quick shower, face care, and change of clothes later he was set to go to bed. He brushed his teeth and shot his dad a text, telling him that he was alright and that he landed safely. His dad, quick to reply as ever, asked him what he was doing up at such late hour.

had to write up a lesson plan to
teach the class I'm aiding for.

Took longer than expected

Father Grape 🍇:
Ah, I see. Well, try to get some
sleep at least. You know how nasty
you get when you're tired.

Will do, father grape!

Father Grape 🍇:
Please refrain from calling me that.

Stay safe, take care of your brother.


read at 3:20 am

[y/n] chuckled at his father's clear disgust at the nickname he got branded with. He knew that despite the fact that their father traveled the world for his business, he loved them both, especially after the death of their mother. He clenched his jaw before shaking his head to clear the negative thoughts. He looked over at the paper he was writing on and shrugged, continuing to write a few more details and plans before going to sleep.

He stopped writing after he saw that it was nearly four in the morning, which made him get up with a groan. Quickly and neatly, he put away all his notes into the folder he grabbed from his storage space, and went to fix his bed for sleeping. He turned off the lights and yawned, blinking slowly before shutting his eyes to try and go to sleep.


"Man, you look like shit." snickered Minoru, eating at his rice while watching his older brother yawn. He got a glare in return, snickering even more when [y/n] huffed and shoved rice into his own mouth.

"Yeah, well, at least I'm smart." he pouted at Minoru when he got a raised eyebrow in return. "Don't look at me like that, you know its true." Minoru continued to eat at his breakfast before pointing the chopsticks at you.

"Dad told me to make sure you take care of yourself though, since he said, and I quote, 'your brother is kind of lacking when it comes to complete self care, make sure he doesn't die from overworking himself.'" [y/n] pouted even more before nodding, looking away from the one he's supposed to be caring about.

He swallowed his rice and ate at his natto. "I'm supposed to be the one that's taking care of you though." [y/n] looked at Minoru and smiled, patting his head while being careful of his sticky hair. "But thank you." Minoru blushed and looked away shyly, muttering a 'whatever' as he finished off his breakfast.

They both got up to wash their plates and got ready for school, meeting up at the front door of the dorm room. Putting on their shoes and giving each other their bags, they headed off to school while Minoru talked about everything that happened in his life while his brother was away.

[y/n] smiled as he heard his excited talking, basking in the moment before he actually had to get serious.


So like, aha, I wrote this in a rush ngl. Anyway,
I made the Mineta's dad book after years of saying I would make it.
Not sure if I should connect these stories since I would have to give Father Grape a name in this book and it hurts my brain from thinking too much. See y'all next time.

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