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The boys, minus the Mineta's, were casually talking about their normal subjects. Homework, how hard training was at times, knew things about their quirks, then Kaminari had to ask one simple question that made them all freeze.

"What do you guys think about [Y/n]?" He said, chewing on his rice as he pointed his chopsticks at the group of guys. They stared at him for a while before looking away to think their own thoughts. "Well, he seems like a very nice young man. It would be better if he could be a bit more serious though." Iida stated, putting some rice into his mouth.

Kirishima shook his head and grinned, showing off his pointy teeth as he did. "I think he's pretty awesome though! Very manly to have such a strong brotherly bond with Mineta!" He grabbed some meat off his plate and began to chew on it while smiling and thinking more about the new teacher assistant.

Bakugou ignored their subject as he ate he food, wanting to avoid this topic and wanting to just get done with being around these 'extras' as he calls them. Midoriya perked up and wiggled around happily, though, rambling about wanting to know his quirk and how far he could push himself.

"I'm not talking about that." Started Kaminari, shoveling rice into his mouth as he pointed at everyone with his chopsticks. "I'm saying if you guys think he's hot, attractive, good looking. 'Cause I sure do." He jumped when Bakugou choked on his food, Kirishima spit out his drink, Iida stiffened, and when Midoriya cracked his bowl a bit. They all stopped to stare at the human pikachu, making him nervous with all their eyes on him.

"Don't look at me like that! I know you guys were also thinking it!" Kaminari pouted, shoveling food into his mouth and he looked off to the side. Everyone soon went back to eating, in awkward silence though as they eyed each other to see who would break in first. Yuuga glittered as he did a small pose, looking into the camera like if he was in The Office™.

"[Y/n] is a beautiful man!" He started, doing another weird pose before sparkling even more. "Very attractive if I do say so." Kaminari looked at Yuuga and nodded his head, somehow sparkling as bright as the frenchie. "Right?! I wouldn't mind staying late to help get tutored if it's him helping me." The blonds both sighed as they started talking about the TA before Kirishima nodded his head. They got another one of the boys to join in their talk.

Then another.
And another.
Hey, look, another joined in
Anoth- you get the point.

The only one's who didn't join in was Bakugou, Iida, Tokoyami, and Shoji. They were too busy just trying to ignore the rest but Iida stood up and karate chopped the air with a pink face.

"We should not be talking about a teacher assistant like this!" He started, giving everyone a disappointed look. "It is very inappropriate and we as students should not be focusing on things such as the looks of someone!" He pushed up his glasses and crossed his arms, sitting down again while fixing his uniform top. "Plus, he is our classmate's older brother no less." He mumbled, looking over at the Mineta bros.

Before anyone could apologize, the lunch bell rang. Everyone was getting up and putting their dishes on some tray to be picked up. The class of 1-A went back to their class, getting ready for their next lesson, chatting as they waited for the teacher.

[Y/n] looked at all of them from the front of the room, chuckling softly as he rolled his eyes when he caught several of them whispering and pointing at him.

'This is going to be fun.' He thought, looking over at the opening sliding door.

Lol, short chapter but I wanted this out cause fuck it, I was too lazy. Anyway, I was reading some comments and people were like "lol reader too op" so lemme explain some things.

The reason why his stats are "op";
- I was inspired by the OPM character plot. OP but hated because they think he's faking it and taking others glory when its the opposite. Plus, he's a joke character which I like.

- Have you seen how hard it is to work with Deadpool and the Avengers cause of how stubborn they are? [Y/n] is going to end up with some patience because of them lmfao.

- He was taught by the smartest man alive (Tony) when he was working in Starks place.

Also, someone said the Alias is/should be Joker and I like that, so thank you to that person because I've been breaking my brain for an actual "hero" name for reader. So with that being said, don't mind me using it. If it's not okay then @ me lol.
That's all, see ya.

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