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" Hey Jiminie hyung? " Jungkook called.

I looked in his direction, no emotion on my face and just silently waiting for his words.

" I just wanted to say that I am sorry. I am sorry for all the words I've let you feel. I am sorry for all the bitter and disgusting words I've spitted at you. " He said.

I just looked into him, scanning his face, his eyes for a sign that he is lying.

Of course he is lying retard. Stop hoping his words are true.

I blinked, as I heard the thought.

I tried to control my breathing.

You are still PATHETIC no matter what.

Nobody likes why do you expect that he also likes you?

Such a fucking useless shit you are unlike him.

He's also tired of your bullshit like the others.

Kill yourself.

Kill yourself.

Die. Do them a favor.

Eradicate yourself.

Just stop trying.

You could end this struggle.

Just a rope, a chair or a antidote are all you need.

Just stop.



Oh. It seems like I failed to control my breathing.

"Hyung! Shit, hyung breathe in and out slowly. It's fine. Just inhale and exhale." I heard jungkook say, but I couldn't anymore and it's getting hard to keep my eyes open.

" Please. Don't close your eyes hyung. "

And that was the lst thing i heard before the familiar darkness engulfed into its arms.

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