Once again im back to the point of my life where i dont know what to do anymore.I dont understand why life is hard for me or i am just a complaining bitch who cant handle problems.
I don't know what should i do, what should i feel, what should i think or what should i say.
Back then, this book makes me feel at ease due to the reason that i could express myself
But now? Writing feels like a burden, i've ran out of words to say what i feel, what i think.
Everything feels like a burden. That i am just doing this specific thing because someone told me or i have to.
That feeling when you want to stay strong you have to stay strong for others but you just can't and you aren't allowed to.
It sucks to be silent, not being able to express anything that you truly feel and those words that you want to say just piles up in your throat as if you are choking.
I don't think im getting better. Thats all.

hurt | jikook
Fanfictionwhere jimin is suicidal and the members makes it worse © sweetaeste 18.04.17 - 19.02.14