Chapter Three: What Freash Hell

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What the actually fuck I'm in so much trouble didn't even go home for my moms birthday today I literally just stayed in the guest bedroom of Jess house just laying there in bed fully dressed but just laying there like a total complete idiot.

"Alec it's almost seven twenty", Amanda said as she dropped onto the bed.

"Hey bitch how your doing", I said to her.

"I feel so wasted and fried from last night I don't even want to go home until Monday morning for school", she said to me.

"I can asked my mom and dad but with the stunt that I pulled I don't see them saying yes but it's worth a shot", I said and got up and out of bed.

"Awesome just give me like five minutes and I'll be right down", she said as she got herself together.

The house seemed so quiet and peaceful it's like everyone else left this morning from last night fun and enchantment of Halloween and now it's just boring normal back to school life.

I kept on replying that kids between me and that guy just feeling the desire and passion from him kissing me and me kissing him it felt good but I know inside of my heart I feel guilty as fuck especially knowing it was the anniversary of Chase.

The way I feel for him is so wrong he's not Chase he's better then Chase which is so wrong of me to say that but I can't keep on holding on to someone who's dead I can still think about him but it's time to let go of him at the same time.

As I was making my way down the hallway I felt this cold swift of air on my neck as if there was someone behind but when I turned around no one was there I must be a bit high from last night it has to be that what else can it be.

"", I heard a whisper as if there was someone right next me.

"Amanda is that you girl this isn't fucking funny bitch", I yelled standing in the middle of the hallway.

As I stood there to see if anything will happen and nothing but stillness and quietness I didn't know what to do if I should run the fuck out of the house or go back for Amanda who's still taking her sweet ass time lord this girl needs major help.

Fuck this I'm out of here as I made my way to the staircase the lights started to flicker like a storm was coming but there was no storm then as I turned around there was a figure at the end of the hallway.

"Hello Amanda is that you", I said in a panic voice.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DONE TO ME AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", screamed the figure as it ran towards me.

I couldn't move I couldn't even get a scream out of my lungs because I was so terrified from the figure and as it got closer and closer to me I could make out who or what it is was and it was Chase but how can this be he's dead I watched him got shot in front of my eyes I was there at his funeral this isn't real this can't be real.

"Amandaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", I said as I let out a scream.

All I was able to say was Amanda's name like what the actually fuck is going on with me or am I still high from last night no that can't be it can't be that it has to be something else something evil like it came from the underworld or even hell itself either way this isn't good in any way or form.

All I wanted to do was go home and everyone either left or was still sleeping and was completely out like a light from last night like what the fuck I'm so freaked out right now I'm literally speechless and shocked of what I just witnessed in this hallway.

"Oh my god Alec boo what happened why are you crying", Amanda said as she ran and held me in her arms.

I couldn't say a word once we left the house even on the way back to my place I was completely shocked in panic and fear all I could do was sit and looked straight into space I couldn't move or do anything at this moment like my brain is gone and left my body from what just happened.

As we got to my house all I noticed was that my whole family was over for my moms birthday and me being like this I know for a fact I'll either be yelled at or make my mom' s day all about me and I don't want that at all and I managed to get a whole sentence out of my mouth to Amanda.

"Help me out of the car and can you please bring me to my room and tell my parents that I got food poisoning from that party last night please", I said to her as a single tear comes down my face.

"Of course boo of course I'll do that for you", she said as she gave me a huge.

As I was helped out of the car and into my house I can already imagine my parents face disappointment with me as I gave Amanda the keys to open the door my cousin Nick opened it before she can.

"Hey little cous how are you doing", he said to me.

I didn't say a word to him not one fucking word.

"Alec is not under the weather and just wants to sleep it off is it okay that I just help him to his room", Amanda said as she took me by he arm.

"Oh yeah that's fine and hahhah of course he's sick just look at him looks like he partied like it was nineteen nine nine", he said as moved out of the way for me and Amanda.

"Thank you so much I guess", she said sarcastically.

As we where heading up the stairs and to my room all I could hear was laughter and happiness and how much I felt horrible not leaving anything in advance for my mom birthday what a great son I am. As we got to my room undetected all I wanted was my bed and to just sleep for at least three months from what happened with whatever the fuck I saw at Jessica's house.

"Here you go boo your bed and I'll put your stuff on the table for you to go through it hahah", she said in such a weird voice.

"hey thanks for doing this for me you are literally the only person I have left and I don't want to lose you girl", I said as I pulled the covers over my head.

"Anything for my bestie I'm going to tell your parents that you aren't feeling well and head out you going to be okay now boo", she said as she was about to close my bedroom door.

"yeh I'm good thanks for everything talk later", I said from under the covers.

Once my door was closed all I can hear from the vent was everyone being happy and celebrating my mom with happiness and laughter and I could also hear Amanda talking to my parents and her leaving my house.

It's been half an hour and my family is still here but all I could do in bed curl into a ball and just try to sleep and think of other stuff but nothing was working until I got enough energy to grab the chip bag in the side of my bed.

Eating my stress was better then cutting to be honest but it wasn't working and I wasn't about to start cutting again so fuck this is my last attempt to sleep as I closed eyes and laid there in my bed in the dark all I could hear is the fading of laughter and I knew I was about to knock out in three....two......once.

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