Chapter Six: Art Class

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Its that time of year again that everyone likes to commercialize and how amazing the weather is and I can't believe it's getting closer to Christmas like ugh it's not a wonderful time of year people it's hella annoying. All I want to do is get to art class and finish my watercolour of my saint glass window I saw when I went to church back then still can't believe I remember all the details in the window. All I really wanted for Christmas was to have a great winter break and spend sometime with my family and maybe some with friends as if Jessica isn't going to have a holiday party this year like if she doesn't I think everyone is going to be shook especially me hahahha. On the bright side of things me and Jake are hitting it off very well the downside to this is i just wish he was Chase just me thinking that it sounds horrible and makes me sound like I'm cheating ugh.

"So what do you want for Christmas you dirty cunt hahha I'm funny I crack myself", Amanda said to me dying of laughter like the joker.

"I don't really want anything this year sorry sis but I don't want anything but spending time with my love ones", I said to her.

"Your completely fucking with me right I had the best gift idea for you ugh why you hate me", she said wingeing like a child.

"Fine fine fine you can get me a gift Jesus H. Christ girl your so fucking crazy but I love you", I said and slapped the bitch.

The one thing that I hate more then people lying is the mall during December it's like a jungle just watching everyone run around like there heads where cut off like chickens like why buy stuff that you know your not going to use or jut use once like this holiday is fucking overrated and to commercialize. All I can think about is Jake and that's all even thou I'm with Amanda and her craziness all I can think about are the colour of Jake's eyes which where baby blue and the other one was a olive green which was pretty sexy and adorable at the same time.

"Okay slut I'm heading home gotta start wrapping these gifts and buy yours hahah", Amanda said as she left the mall.

"Bye you dumb hoe bag hahah", I said laughing my ass off.

I decided to stay and keep looking around for the best I'm sorry about your birthday and Christmas gift for my mom and a I'm sorry I've been all moody gift for my dad lord help me cause he knows I need help. It's weird for a Sunday the mall getting less busy by like three o'clock which is very very odd but it's whatever all I want for Christmas is for it to over already but that ain't gonna happens what so ever. I wonder what Jake is doing right now maybe he's combing that gorgeous black hair or better yet maybe he's working out shirtless what is wrong with me I haven't even talked to him since the party maybe I should text him back oh lord.

The next day everyone is back to the last two weeks of school before Christmas break and I couldn't be more happy because most teachers don't want to start anything and not finished so I get to spend most of my day in the art class finishing up my saint glass window of a church with a dash of my artist style not gonna lie out of all my art work this has to be like the best one I've done in years low key I hate myself for that. As the bell rang for lunch and Amanda waiting for me at my locker I over heard Mr. Woodbine and another student somewhat arguing about the up coming art show after the holidays but all I could get out of it was that Mr. Woodbine wouldn't let this student pit his art in because it's to graphic and bloody like does no one see the fallen angle inside the church that I'm doing I swear some teachers are fucking dumb or just plain out picky. As I was about to leave and meet up with Amanda I noticed that Jake was coming out of the office of Mr. W and he looked so pissed and anger which kinda maybe him even cuter to me in my opinion at least.

"Bitchhhh your never going to believe who's in my art class", I said in so much excitement.

"Omg sis clam the fuck down, hmmm let me take a wild guess was Jake in your art class", she said sarcastically.

"Yessssssss, he's in my class I guess I'm just to focus on my painting that I didn't notice who was in my class", I said as I put my stuff in my locker.

"So did you talk to him at least", she asked me.

"Well not exactly he was upset and angry with Mr. W because of the art show next year", I said as we headed to the food court.

"Hun you better talked to him before someone else does you didn't hear this from me but Marucs wants to asked Jake out this weekend so idk sis", she said to me giving me that you better talk to him look.

As Amanda was telling me this I noticed Jake coming out of the art class looking sexy as usual so I decided to leave Amanda and run up to him and asked him if we wants to hang out over the weekend before horny ass Marcus can beat me to the punch.

"Hey Jake", I yelled as I was running to him.

"Hey Alec what's sup", he said to me.

"Huh.........I wanted to know if your free this weekend to hangout or do something fun I you want", I said like a awkward person I am. 

"Yeah I'm down to hang out what do you have in mind", he asked me.

"Huh-hhh I don't know what do you usually do on your spare time", I asked him.

"Well I do a lot on my spare time depending on the mood that I'm in if that makes any sense to you", he said as he starting to turn pinkish.

"Yeah I get it don't worry about it", I said as I turn bright ass red in front of him.

"Alec, Jake what are you two talking about over here", Amanda said out of nowhere.

"We just talking about what we are going to do on the weekend what's sup bitch", I said to her.

"Hmmm let's see its lunch I'm hungry and about to get angry on your ass", she said to me looking peeve.

"Oh shit sorry girl we'll get food don't worry", I said to her.

"Go have your lunch I don't want to see her angry on you I'll text you later today", he said to me as he left.

"Okay cool", I said like an idiot.

I'm the most awkward person on the planet like what the hell just happened I feel like my brain is about to explode on me and I'll just drop dead from this moment but at least Amanda came and saved me god only knows what I would've said to him if she didn't come and swop in. It's getting closer until school ends for the year and everyone including myself is excited and ready to relax and unwind for a bit lord knows we need it after what happened this year but that's tea for later as Amanda likes to say.

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