The Jones

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So, after getting my serpent tattoo, (which I got on my wrist) I decided to head to the Jones' family home. A little back story on the Jones family. Years ago, when Jug was eleven, his mom took Jellybean and left. It was because F.P had a drinking problem. But a couple months ago, Gladys was murdered. So F.P fought the court to get custody of Jellybean. Once he gained custody, Jellybean was reunited with her family. But the death of Gladys Jones remained a mystery. That's why the Jones Family is so tight and conscious of the people around them. Luckily, I made the cut.
As I rode the bus, I looked out the window. There was almost no one else in the bus, and all that was heard was the bus engine roaring, and the wheels squeaking.
Jughead. He was forever on my mind. I liked him for as long as I could remember. But my mom did not appreciate that. At all. But at this point I could care less about what my mom appreciates. Veronica always teased me because apparently my crush on him was obvious. She thinks he likes me back but I don't believe her. But it's like, I just— love him. I love his beautiful eyes, I love his raven black hair hair that looks so cute when he takes his hat off. I love his personality. I love his smile. I love the butterflies I get in my stomach when I'm with him. It's like, I'm on cloud nine. There's nothing there but us. And—ugh. I'm boy crazy.
Apparently my thoughts had consumed me, because I soon saw Jug's trailer park. It didn't even seem like I was in the bus long. But that was what jughead jones did to me. I stepped off the bus and made my way towards his home.
I knew they were awake because for god sake, Jellybean was wild. With her raven, long frizzy hair, and her wild selection of cool jackets and dvds, she would never go to sleep before 11:00. And it was only 10:30. F.P would probably be putting her down for bed soon.
I knocked on the door. F.P answered with a smile. "I've been expecting you," he whispered. "But don't worry, I didn't tell Jug. I thought it'd be best if you told him yourself." I raised an eyebrow. How did he know already. Well damn, word spreads fast.
"oh sweet pea told me," he chuckled. I smiled and gave him a hug.
"Thanks for always being there for me. You're like the true dad I never had." I smiled, I almost cried. But something stopped me. It was like I wasn't as sensitive anymore. Maybe it was because I knew it was all going to be okay. Well at least after I face the wrath of my mother.
I felt f.p smiling on my shoulder. I pulled away. "I'm gonna go see Jug. Would it be ok if I spent the night?" I asked.
"of course betty, you're always welcome." I smiled at him in thanks. Then, I made my way into jug and Jellybeans' room.
They shared a room and f.p had the couch. But no matter how small it was, it was still home to me.
When I walked into the room, Jughead was deep into his computer, whilst Jellybean was hanging up her jackets.
"Knock Knock," I said, slightly tapping the door,
Jughead turnedhis head so quick I thought his neck was going to snap.
"Hey Betts," he said, with a slight smirk.
"I missed you betty," she said running to give me a hug. "School is horrible." I chuckled.
"It's not going to horrible all the time I promise. Sometimes you just gotta go through the bad to get to the good. Think you can give me a moment with Jug? We have a- a science project to work on," I said meeting eyes with Jug. Jellybean smiled.
"Okay, see you later, Ms. Serpent Queen," she said grinning. I glared at her.
I closed the door. Jug smiled. "I have something important to tell you," we both said and simultaneously. I chuckled.
"You can go first."
   "Well, my dad is setting up my ceremony, but I decided I wanted to be a serpent— for my mom."
   I gasped. "What?!"

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