Part 4: Show That You're The Only One

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"Hello everyone, come in." I welcomed Tony and Danielle into Tony's home in an early Saturday morning under the pretence of studying together. Since we have a midterm coming up, I will use this time to my advantage to show this role usurper just how comfortable Tony and I are with each other.

"Why are you suddenly initiating a study group in my house?" Tony asked as he carefully escorts Danielle in right in front of my eyes.

Okay fine, he's just being polite since she's never been to his home and she's a guest. I on the other hand practically live here, I even have some of my stuff lying around his apartment. I made sure they are visible.

"I need all the help I could get to pass my subjects and graduate. I can't just let this opportunity go, not when I have two of the brightest students in my year readily available to help me." I explained, purposely fluttering my eye lashes at Tony.

"We're not yours to be ordered around." Tony said with a glare.

"But you can't resist me," I replied with a wink and before Tony could hit me for that statement I turned to welcome Danielle.

"Don't be shy Danielle, come in. You can leaves your shoes out here, the second floor has the kitchen and the living space. If you need to go to the washroom just go to the third floor and turn right, you'd find a door to your left next to one of the guest bedrooms.

"You can just call me Elle, Danielle is a mouthful to say." She smiled at me with her angelically plain face. How dare she mocks me. My plan is clearly not turning out to be how I want it to. I need a new leverage, something to show off how suitable I am to be the heroine more than her.

We settled on the dining table which looks unused. I'm not surprised at all since Tony lives here by himself and he mostly eat out. Which explains why his house is in order and also explains why the room is always dusty. I looked around to see if I have any of the stuff I left behind is lying around somewhere.

"Oh, look it's my lip gloss." I exclaimed feverishly as I spot one of my many left behind stuff on the centre table. "So that's where it went, I've been looking for this last night."

That's right Elle, I was here last night and I purposely left this lip gloss knowing we would be here today to study.

I looked back to where they were sitting next to each other and they seemed to be engrossed with a problem to even notice me. Its as if they are in their own little world and I'm not even around. Determined to finish what I started, I stood up and walked over to break their moment.

"Aren't you guys thirsty? How about you Elle, would you like something to drink?" I asked with an innocent smile on my face.

"Ah, that's right. Do you want anything?" Tony began to stand as he offered refreshments for his girl friend, something he never once did for me.

"It's okay, just sit and I'll get them myself." Elle replied and stood up. You know nothing Danielle, and its time I show you that.

"I'll go get us some snacks and something to drink. You won't really know where to find them," I stated and went to do the task all the while smirking.

"Thank you Ria, you really didn't have to." they both said and turned back to solving the same problem they were trying to do since we've arrived. Did that just back fire on me?

"You're prettier without your bangs," I heard to said as he brushed Danielle's bangs up. She didn't seem flustered at what he's doing, she wasn't even blushing. If I were her, I would've been overcome with joy.

"You think so?" She asked normally as if the notion of Tony calling her pretty is nothing to freak out about. "I kind of wanted to try and see how I'd look with bangs. I guess I didn't look as good as I thought."

"You look cute with them, just thought it'll be better without them covering a quarter of your face,"

What is going on here? That's my spot! I mentally lost it as I enviously look on from the sidelines. If there is any consolation for me, its that her bangs won't grow for months but that's not enough. I seriously hate her!

Operation I'll show them who is the real heroine: FAILURE.

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