Step 9: Learn To Let Go...Properly

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"Oh em gee, thank you baby!"

"You like that?"

"Like it? I love it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Oh em gee baby, I love it." I mimicked the high pitch squeal of the specie on the verge of extinction. I tried not to gag, really I did, but it took everything in me to hold it in.

"Baby can you get that for me?"

"Next time baby, we're going to be late to our next appointment if we stop by."

"Please baby?"

"Next time, I promise."

"Hmph, you don't love me anymore."

"Break up, break up, break up." I chanted in a loud whisper next to the couple who keeps polluting my environment with their sweet nonsense.

They stopped arguing, and looked at me like I've lost my mind.

"Do you know her?" The girl asked accusingly and I watched in anticipation as she narrowed her eyes at the poor guy who is shaking his head as hard as he can. In fact, it's so hard, I fear that he would dislocate his head any moment now.

"Then why is she here trying to break us up. Are you cheating on me?" the girl started to fight with her boyfriend as I sit back and shove caramel flavoured popcorn in my mouth.

"Of course not baby, I have never seen this woman in my entire life." The guy tried to explain but the woman just kept giving him the stink eye. "I don't know what's your deal miss, but please go away."

"Why are you talking to her? I knew it, you're lying to me. She's your side chick!" The girl is progressively getting hysterical that it's getting in the way of her logic while I sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

What I wasn't counting on is the couple that passed by behind my current entertainment. I cannot mistake that gentle smile accompanied by an angelic face that got me obsessed since God invented humans. It belongs to no other than the love of my life, forever and ever, amen. I mean, Tony. Who names their kid amen anyways?

I really wasn't counting on them showing up at their favourite mall, on a Sunday afternoon. There is no way I am sitting here across their favourite ice cream shop on purpose.

Nuh uh, no way Jose.

This girl is moving on.

I am ready for a newer, brighter, finer future.

"Ria? Hey, it's been a while! How are you doing? Mama, its Ria." I almost choked on my ice cream, if you could even choke on that, when I heard that sweet innocence.

"Hey, you." I replied awkwardly as I greeted my niece, Adria. I dared to spare a glance to where Tony and Elle were supposedly at, ordering their usual Vanilla Bean and Pistachio flavoured scoops.

I visibly saw Tony freeze, while Elle turned and waved, smiling like everything in the world is okay when my eyes met hers.

Everything is definitely not okay but I can do this. I can face them and make Bree proud.

Remember Ria, you are moving on. You are a strong independent woman who doesn't need no man in her life. Most especially Tony. You don't need Tony in your life.

You know if Bree finds out you are out here creeping on them on a picture perfect Sunday afternoon, sitting across the store they frequently go to when you supposedly promised her you would move on, she would disown you.

First of all, I am not creeping on them. Like I said, I like ice cream then BAM! It's a small world after all. Secondly, who are you and what are you doing inside my head?

It's official, I am going insane.


I better call Bree and get her to send help.


On second thoughts, the other voice residing in me is right, Bree would disown me when she hears what I have been doing on this lovely afternoon.

Of course she would disown you, you pathetic little stalking creep.


"Oh my ghad, shut up!" When I realized what I said, I looked at my lovable bubble of joy who is on the verge of exploding any second now.

"No, no, no, no. That was not for you." I tried to stop the catastrophe, but it was too late, she is in full blown, ear splitting, soul shattering, judgement inducing howl. What is a meagre girl with madness tendencies supposed to do in this situation?

I saw Tony suppressed a laugh, but I do not have the time to rejoice knowing that he's been watching. I have a very pressing matter to apprehend.

Apprehend? Seriously? We're not in a novel you know.

I ignored the voice that got me in this mess in the first place, and cuddled my adorable marshmallow to get her to stop crying. If my sister sees this, she would skin me from the inside.

"I wasn't yelling at you. Really I wasn't, I was talking to some crazy lady."

"You told me to shut up, I'm telling mommy." She sniffed the long string of snot coming out of her nose that reached midair before retreating like me if I ever encounter a giant spider ahead.

"You want ice cream? Strawberry cheesecake." I tried to bribe her with a smile but she squint her little eyes at me in suspicion.

"Two scoops," I continued and hold out my hand to strike a deal. I can't afford to lose this, you're mine kid.

"Deal," she shook it with her tiny little hands and off we go. Rest in peace my savings, you will be missed.

Once I returned the little twerp back to her mom, ice cream gone without any trace of ever existing, I refocused my attention back to the other important matter at hand, but Tony and Elle were nowhere to be seen.

I looked around some more, but couldn't find them anywhere. I scoured the entire mall, even reached the utility rooms, but it was as if they left the building. I know they didn't, they don't go home until four in the afternoon and its only three. Plus I saw Tony's car parked underground, so yeah they're still here somewhere.

"You! Who said you could leave? I wasn't done with you!" I heard someone screaming, but I paid it no mind.

"How dare you ignore me?"

"Baby stop, I told you I don't know her."

"Are you defending her?" It was the couple from earlier. The one I was cheering on.

"No! I'm trying to make you believe me." He said in frustration, his gentle tone from earlier gone replaced with something a little snarky that the absurd girlfriend would most definitely not like.

"Are you mad at me?" She started to tear up, and I attempted to resume my mission but stopped midway when she turned and bore her livid stare at me.


"This is all your fault you man stealing who-" I flinched seeing as her hand raised to strike my fine-looking, picturesque, stunning, expensive visage. I hope she has the money to pay for that.

I waited, and waited for the hand to land with my eyes closed, breath held in, but it never did. Surprised, I slowly fluttered my eyes open, adjusting to the blinding rays of light and turned to the of it source. It was no other than my knight in a very shining ray of hope...I mean light.

"What are you trying to do to my girl?" Tony asked in a dangerous tone.

And just like that I am back to square one.

Forgive me my dearest, most trusted, best-est friend, I am only human.

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