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Inside Lounge under Silly Vision Studio


(Y/N) Pov: 

Me and Striker just stood there, him holding my hand tightly and standing closely to my side as possible. 

The Lost Ones just stood there, staring at us. 

I gulped back a lump stuck in my throat, and slowly started walking forward, gently pulling Striker along with me. Ahead, on the other side of the room is an open air vent, which I was planning to get to as quickly as possible. 

As we passed the Lost Ones, they all seemed to stare down at Striker more than at me. Some even seemed to glare at him. I could sort of understand why. They probably thought he was one of those clones going around and mindlessly killing intruders. 

Well he's not. He's just like a lost child who needs a home. And I plan on taking him with me when we get out of here. 

One of the Lost Ones had stepped forward and actually tried to grab Striker, who instinctively hides behind me. 

"Don't touch him. He's with me" I say, glaring at the Lost One. He didn't appear to like the fact that I was defending Striker, thinking I was also one of the bad ones. He instantly grabbed my throat and started choking me. 

My glare turned shock, the other Lost Ones also seemed shocked that one of their comrades is attempting to choke me. 

In that instant, Striker jumped up onto Lost One's back, sitting on his shoulders, holding on the Lost One's neck with his bottom right hand, the top right hand grabbing onto the right side of the Lost One's face. With his robotic arm, he starts punching the Lost One's head. The Lost One stumbles back with Striker still punching him, trying to get him off. 

The other Lost Ones, looking worried, stepped aside as to not get hurt in the fight. The Lost One, with the left side of his head caving in from the punches, had managed to throw Striker off somehow. 

"STRIKER!" I yelled, jumping forward and catching him just before he could hit the opposite wall. 

I hugged him tightly in my arms, and run over to the open vent. I crouched down and pushed him inside first, then fallowed after him. A couple meters into the vent, and I turned my head to look to make sure no one was fallowing us. When I did, I saw two Lost Ones holding back the one Striker attacked while another was closing off the vent. 

"Looks like there's no way to go but forward" I say, turning back around to see that Striker had turned to look back as well. 

We kept moving forward. Up ahead was another vent entrance. As we approached, suddenly, Bendy appears on the other side of the vent grate, giving us a jump scare. 

"AAAHH" I screamed in fright. Bendy looked confused at first to see Striker, but when he looked behind him and saw me, he smiled deviously and motioned with one finger to come closer, then disappeared from view. 

Me and Striker kept moving until we found ourselves in a large room. 

"Huh. Come on Striker, lets see what's over here" I say, pointing to a large doorway with the sign above saying "Storage 9". As we entered, we walked around, seeing a bunch of amusement park pieces around the place. 

We found ourselves near the entrance to a haunted house. We walked around some more and saw a large panel with several levers and light bulbs above them. 

"I guess we have to pull the levers." I say. I pulled the first one, which made a clicking noise. I looked down and saw a long cable leading from the lever. 

BATIM { Striker and female reader } Where stories live. Discover now