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I got Epilogue and Prologue mixed up.....oops.....

Several months later

(Y/N) Pov:

It's been several months since we defeated Bendy, setting everyone in the studio free from his rein and terror.

The others had nowhere else to go, so they decided to just live in the studio. After the incident, the remaining Lost Ones and Swollen Searchers decided to help Allison, Tom, and Sammy in fixing the studio so they could live in a better environment.

Now, only a couple months later, the studio was finally back to the way it was before the whole Ink machine incident. It now looked like how it first opened.

Me, of course, had bought the studio for a cheap price. I swear the guy who sold me the studio thought I was crazy when I came in with Striker by my side, demanding that I buy the studio.

I signed the papers and payed the cheap price, considering no one else wanted to buy it becuase of what they heard about it.

After that, I drove all the way to the studio with Striker really fast and showed my three freinds the signed papers. They were all happy that I was the new owner of SillyVision Studio.

A couple months later and the whole studio was ready to start producing cartoons again.

We decided it was best to block off most of the building that we didn't need, such as the amusement park, the large storage unites, and everything else that we didn't need to start producing cartoons.

We had locked all the doors leading to those levels and shut off all power to them.

Sammy became director of the Music Department again, producing music with the help of some of the Lost Ones who decided they would like to play the instruments again.

Allison became the voice of Alice Angel again. Tom would help out with all the mechanics and plumbing in the studio and would help fix anything that got broken.

It took along time to clean up the spilled ink all over the place, considering all the Butcher Gang clones had died when Bendy died.

All the Swollen Searchers and Lost Ones had started becoming more humanoid, but they were still made of ink.

The good thing is that we don't have to keep buying ink to make the storyboards.

I had stopped hanging out with my old freinds though.


After defeating Bendy, Allison, Tom and Sammy showed me back to the main entrance. They wanted to see the outside world again, so I allowed them to come outside with me and Striker for a couple minutes.

I was carrying Striker in my arms as he hugged me tightly once we had all stepped out and took a deep breath of the nice, fresh air.

"(Y/N)!!! Where have you been?!?! You were supposed to come out two hours ago!!!" Said Sara. She, Maxlene, Frilla, and Ornipha had all run up to me, with angry expressions.

"Well I'm so sorry that you dared me to go in there. You don't even know what I've been through. I had to fight ink monsters, do stupid tasks for a demon angel, got chased down by the Projectionist, AND had to protect Striker here all the while being fallowed and watched by Bendy probably, all becuase YOU four dared me to spend the night, even though you knew people went missing while exploring the studio." I said. Striker had turned to look a the four girls in front of us with curiosity.

BATIM { Striker and female reader } Where stories live. Discover now