
987 19 46

The Haunted House, 2:03am

(Y/N) Pov:

The ride started moving forward. I made sure that Striker was sitting properly in the cart with me in case we started going faster or ran into a drop along the way.

Just as the ride started moving, Demon Alice's voice started speaking over the speakers. Striker emediatly hugs me and buries his face in my side. I wrapped my right arm around him in comfort.

"It's a funny thing....How so much can fall apart so fast....We never had control over the studio.....Either you were in someone's pocket.....Or you were putting someone in yours.....I just wanted what was promised to me....Surely, you can understand that....Do you just enjoy the terror of the drop into hell?.....Becuase if that's the case....Hang on tight....I've got a big surprise for you....." said Demon Alice as we rounded the final corner before going into another room.

The large double doors opened just as we got closer, but instead of going through, two large hands materialize from the darkness, stopping the cart in it's path.

Me and Striker lurch forward, in shock. We both looked up and saw what appeared to be Boris, who was holding the cart from moving forward anymore.

"Boris? Is that you?" I asked in shock. Striker hugs me in fright and buries his face in my side.

Boris appeared to be bigger and had dead eyes. He also had some wierd metal bars coming from his neck, like a neck brace. He chest was ripped open and his ribs where all sticking out.

Boris then, without warning, lifted the cart up and threw us back into the room.
Just before the cart hit the floor, I grabbed Striker and jump out of the cart.
We fell near the center of the room, while the cart hit the opposite wall, smashing to pieces.

"HAHAHAHAHA, meet the new and IMPROVED Boris. TEAR them APART!!!LEAVE NOTHING!!!!GET RID OF THAT MONSTER SHE CALLS STRIKER TOO!!!!!" Screamed Demon Alice so loud that my ear drums started hurting.

Me and Striker looked up and saw Boris walking towards us slowly.

I saw an Ink Maker just behind him. I started thinking on how we would get ink blobs in order to use it, but my thoughts got interrupted when Striker pulled on my arm.

I looked up and saw Boris charging straight at us.

"AAAHHHH!!!" I screamed. I grabbed Striker and jumped to the side just before Boris could plow right into us.

Boris ran full force into the wall. He looked dazed as ink started spewing from his chest wound.

"Eew" I say, deadpanned. Striker also had a look of disgust on his face. I then spotted a large blob of ink that had come from Boris' chest.

"Striker. You're faster than me. You go grab the blobs of ink that come from Boris' chest. I'll make whatever that Ink Maker makes and use it against Boris" I say. Striker nodded and he ran as fast as he could to Boris.

He grabbed the blob of ink from the ground, and jumped off to the side and did a couple of front flips really fast, landing on the floor a couple meters away, as Boris tried to grab him. He then threw the blob of ink to me and I managed to catch it.

I dropped the ink into the Ink Maker and pulled the lever. The Ink Maker sputtered to life and created a pipe.

"Not the best weapon" I say deadpanned. I grabbed the pipe and saw Boris walking towards Striker who was backing away from him, preparing to defend himself.

I ran up from behind Boris and hit him with the pipe as many times as I could before it broke.

"Uh-oh" I say. Boris tried grabbing me, but I managed to evade him. At some point he had jumped high into the air, landing in front of the doors, and punched a hole in them, holding his hand in pain, screaming. Me and Striker looked at each other with deadpanned faces as Boris screamed holding his hand in agony.

BATIM { Striker and female reader } Where stories live. Discover now