Chapter 10.

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Maddie's POV:

It was time to go pick out my dress for the wedding. Shirley drove all the way up here and of course Theo didn't live far. I was waiting on the couch for the girls to come and Steve got back from dropping Maggie off from school.

Steve: "Hello beautiful."

Me: "Hello handsome."

Steve: "Excited to pick your dress out today?"

Me: "Yes Of course. I just wish my mom was here that's all. She's a very busy woman at her job."

Steve: "Well I got a surprise for you."

Me: "What is it?"

Steve opens the front door and my mom comes in along with Theo and Shirley I hug her crying because I haven't seen her in months.

Me: "Mommy!"

Mom: "Hi sweetie it's good to see you. And Steve is handsome just like you said!"

Me: "Mom."

Mom: "Sorry I'm just so happy for you."

Me: "Thank you mom."

I walked over to Steve and gave him the biggest hug and kiss.

Me: "You are the greatest person in the entire world and I cannot wait to marry you."

Steve: "I feel exactly the same way."

Theo: "Alright love birds break it up you got a dress to pick out!"

I said goodbye to Steve and headed out with the girls to David's bridal.

Dress Lady: "Hi you must be Maddie. Follow me I know you wanted a poofy wedding dress so I have a few choices follow me to the dressing room."

I followed her and the girls sat down in the chairs and waited for me to come out. I tried on a few but I didn't really like any. I finally found the dress I loved {pictured above.} I came out of the dressing room and the dress lady put on a vale for me. My mom looked at me with tears in her eyes.

Mom: "I never thought this day would come. You look so beautiful."

Me: "Mom. I love you."

Shirley: "It really does look beautiful on you."

Theo: "Welcome to the family."

I hugged all three of them with tears in my eyes.

Dress lady: "Are you saying yes to the dress?"

Me: "Yeah I'm saying hell yes to the dress!"

My mom paid for half of it and I payed the other half. I took a picture of the dress in the bag and posted it on Instagram.

Maddiecrainn: Can't Wait to officially be Maddie Crain ❤️Theocrain: The dress is so beautiful! Shirleyy: I'm crying so hard right now

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Maddiecrainn: Can't Wait to officially be Maddie Crain ❤️
Theocrain: The dress is so beautiful!
Shirleyy: I'm crying so hard right now.
Stevecrain: I can't wait to see you in it 😍

I said my goodbyes and headed home. I put the dress in the closet and sat on the bed.

Me: "Please don't peek at the dress. It's bad luck."

Steve: "You really believe in that?"

Me: "Yes. So please don't look at it."

Steve: "Ok princess I won't. But can you talk to Maggie?"

Me: "Yeah Of course what's wrong?"

Steve: "Luka."

I headed to Maggie's room to see her crying on her bed.

Me: "Come here sweetie."

She crawled in my lap and I held her.

Maggie: "Luka said we were never a thing and he's with a new girl now. He kissed her right in front of me! We aren't even friends anymore..."

Me: "Listen. So many boys are gonna break your heart before you find the right one. Did you know it took me ten guys before I found your father? You may not have to go through ten guys but it may take you awhile before you find the right one. But never forget you are beautiful."

Maggie: "Thanks Mom."

I kissed her forehead.

Me: "No problem. I love you. Cheer up he's a dick you'll make a new friend soon."

Maggie: "I love you too."

I got up from her bed and headed back to Steve's room. But Steve was standing in the hallway the entire time.

Me: "You heard that whole thing didn't you?"

Steve: "Yep."

Me: "All the guys dumped me by the way. If you were wondering."

Steve: "Well they're missing out."

He grabbed me by the waist.

Me: "Wait."

I pull away and close Maggie's door. He grabbed my waist and started kissing me. I pulled away again leading him into the bedroom. We just made out ya nastys. I fell asleep in Steve's arms and I felt so safe.

Steve: "Goodnight my love."

He kissed the top of my head.

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